Nursing care and support

Female patient talking to a doctor

Who will look after me?

In the later stages of cancer you are likely to need more support and care. This can be a big worry, especially if you don’t have a big network of friends and family around.

Even if you have friends and family you may still feel guilty about being a burden to them. But there are lots of sources of help and support.

Contact the Irish Cancer Society Support Line on 1800 200 700 or visit a Daffodil Centre for advice and information on care and support. You can also email the nurses at

Palliative care

Palliative care aims to make you feel better physically and emotionally, by helping to relieve any symptoms or problems you have rather than trying to cure or control your illness.
Many people think they are dying if they hear the words palliative care. Palliative care includes end-of-life care, but your doctor may also recommend palliative care earlier in your illness, to help improve your symptoms.

Read more about palliative care.

For more information

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1800 200 700

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