Edel, one of our Support Line nurses

Cancer support packs

If you or someone you know has been affected by cancer, we can support you. Find out about our new free cancer Support Packs below.

What is included in the cancer Support Pack?

Inside the pack, you will find a number of items ranging from cancer information booklets and services guides to items to help you navigate the experience.

This includes:

  • A booklet on a cancer type relevant to your diagnosis.
  • A booklet on coping with the emotional effects of cancer.
  • A choice of including a booklet on how to discuss a cancer diagnosis with children.
  • A choice of including a booklet on how to care for someone with cancer.
  • Information about free Irish Cancer Society Services and how to access them.
  • A notepad and pen to keep important numbers, notes, and details in one place.
  • Some Irish Cancer Society items as a small token from us to say we are here for you.

Who can order the support pack?

Anyone experiencing a cancer diagnosis can order. You can also order to give to a friend or family member who may find it useful. Please ensure to only give your details when ordering if on behalf of someone else to pass it on to. 

The support packs are currently created for an adult diagnosis of cancer.

We also provide a Care Kit to families with children affected by a cancer diagnosis – find out more about this and our other services for children and adolescents here.

What to expect when you order?

You will be asked to complete the order form including details of the type of cancer you would like more information about as well as other optional information booklets. There is an opportunity to request a call back from one of our cancer nurses to discuss the diagnosis. We will also contact you to ask for feedback about the pack to help us improve our supports for you and others. The pack will be delivered to the address provided within 10 working days.

Request a free cancer Support Pack

If you have any questions about the pack or would like to know more about our services, please contact Freephone 1800 200 700.

Request a free cancer Support Pack now

Looking for face-to-face support?

Speak to a Cancer Nurse at any of our Daffodil Centres located in hospitals across Ireland.

Find your nearest Daffodil Centre

Looking to chat with other people affected by cancer?

Browse a wide range of topics on our online community and register for a free account to chat with other patients, carers and survivors about all types of cancer.

For more information

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1800 200 700

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