Cancer prevention and awareness resources

Resource sections:

Stopping cancer before it starts is a key goal of the Irish Cancer Society. We know 4 out of every 10 cancers can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle. For example, we can watch what we eat, choose not to smoke, limit our alcohol consumption and take regular exercise. Spotting cancer early is also a key part of our cancer awareness work.

The booklets, leaflets, factsheets, posters and other resources listed below provide information on how to reduce your risk of developing a variety of cancers, and how to spot cancer early.

Reducing cancer risk
The European Code Against Cancer gives advice on 12 ways to reduce cancer risk.
12 ways to reduce cancer risk leaflet
12 ways to reduce your cancer risk leaflet
There are many things you can do to reduce your cancer risk by making small changes. This leaflet is based on the European Code Against Cancer.
Spotting cancer early
You are more likely to survive cancer if you find it early.
A grid of symptoms which may be signs of cancer
Spot anything poster
Spotting cancer early is important. Learn what to look for, and check your body for changes. Talk to your doctor if you notice anything unusual for you. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Spot Cancer Early leaflet
Spot Cancer Early leaflet
Our Spot Cancer Early leaflet gives you information on some of the key changes to look for when checking your body for change that could be cancer
Women's health
Information on cancer in general along with information on specific cancers that affect women.
A group of happy women
Healthy living and cancer - A woman's guide
Information on cancer risk factors, ways to reduce your risk and how to spot cancer early.
breast self exam illustrations
Breast cancer: know what to look for
Know the symptoms of breast cancer, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Cervical cancer leaflet
Cervical Cancer - What You Should Know leaflet
This leaflet gives information on what increases your risk of cervical cancer, screening, how to reduce your risk and more.
Cover of the Breast cancer - What you should know leaflet
Breast cancer - What you should know
This leaflet has facts about breast cancer, how to check your breasts, and signs and symptoms to look out for.
Men's health
Information and advice about men's health and cancers that affect men.
Men's spot cancer early infographic thumbnail
Men's spot cancer early infographic
Know the symptoms of men's cancers, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Cover of the Manual for Men booklet
Manual for Men
This booklet looks at how your lifestyle affects your cancer risk and how to spot cancer early. It includes details on testicular and prostate cancer. It also gives you tips on how to make the best of a visit to your doctor.
Prostate cancer infographic logo
Prostate cancer - know what to look for
Know the symptoms of prostate cancer, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Prostate cancer leaflet
Prostate Cancer - What You Should Know leaflet
This leaflet gives you an overview of prostate cancer, what affects your risk, how it is diagnosed and more.
An A4 infographic on how to check your testicles from the Irish Cancer Society
How to check your testicles
Information on how to check your testicles. An A4 infographic to download, print, or share.
Testicular cancer leaflet
Testicular Cancer - What You Should Know leaflet
This leaflet gives you an overview of testicular cancer and what affects your risk. It also looks at how to check your testicles and more.
Resources for quitting smoking.
Benefits of quitting smoking poster
Benefits of quitting smoking poster
This poster gives you information about the benefit your body will experience from the minute you quit smoking. (Available to download only.)
Top 10 tips for quitting smoking poster
Top 10 tips for quitting smoking poster
This poster gives you tips on how to prepare to quit and to stay quit. (Available to download only.)
What's in a cigarette leaflet
What's in a cigarette leaflet
Leaflet on the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke, and the chemicals found in cigarettes.
Skin cancer
Being Skin Smart to reduce your cancer risk, and what to look for to spot cancer early.
Non-melanoma skin cancer leaflet
Non-melanoma skin cancer - What you should know
This leaflet explains what to check for when you're looking for changes that could be non-melanoma skin cancer, the most common kind of skin cancer.
Melanoma skin cancer leaflet
Melanoma skin cancer - What you should know
This leaflet explains what to check for when you're looking for changes that could be melanoma skin cancer.
Be Skin Smart - Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer
Be skin smart - Signs of non-melanoma skin cancer
Be skin smart! What to look for when you're checking for signs of non-melanoma skin cancer.
An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Be Skin Smart - Melanoma
Be skin smart - Signs of melanoma
Be skin smart! What to look for when you're checking for signs of melanoma.
An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Be SunSmart poster
Be SunSmart
A poster with four easy steps to reduce your risk of skin cancer. Print or share in your office, school, community centre or group chat. (Available to download only.)
Sunsmart kids 2020
SunSmart kids
A double-sided poster with sun protection tips for parents, carers and people working with children. Print or share in your creche, school, community centre or group chat. (Available to download only.)
ICS Sunsmart Teens A4 poster
SunSmart teens
Double-sided poster/information sheet with sun safety and skin cancer prevention tips for young people, parents and youth workers. Print or share in your school, college, community centre or group chat. (Available to download only.)
SunSmart Outdoor Workers
SunSmart - Outdoor workers
A leaflet with skin cancer information and tips on how to protect your skin when you're working outdoors, particularly if you work in construction, landscaping or agriculture.
Outdoor workers sun safety poster
Outdoor workers poster
Poster to raise awareness of skin cancer among outdoor workers. Print or share in your workplace, staff room, or group chat. (Available to download only.)
Other cancer types and topics
Bowel cancer symptoms logo
Bowel cancer - Know what to look for
Know the symptoms of bowel cancer, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Bowel cancer leaflet
Bowel Cancer - What You Should Know leaflet
This leaflet gives you facts about bowel cancer, its causes and symptoms, how it is diagnosed, and how to reduce your risk. It also has information on bowel screening.
Blood cancer
Blood cancers
Know the most common symptoms of blood cancer, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
thumbnail of lung infographic
Lung cancer: know what to look for
Know the symptoms of lung cancer, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Lung cancer leaflet
Lung Cancer - What You Should Know leaflet
This leaflet gives you facts about lung cancer, its causes and symptoms, how it is diagnosed, and how to reduce your risk.
Lymphoma infographic thumbnail
Lymphoma infographic
Know the basics about lymphoma, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
mouth, head and neck signs and symptoms thumbnail image
Mouth, head and neck cancers - what to look for
Know the symptoms of mouth, head and neck cancer, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
mouth cancer thumbnail
Mouth cancer infographic
Know the symptoms of mouth cancer, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Mouth, head and neck cancer leaflet
Mouth, Head & Neck Cancers - What You Should Know leaflet
This leaflet has facts about mouth, head and neck cancers, signs and symptoms and ways to reduce your risk.
thumbnail of sarcoma infographic
Sarcoma A4 infographic
Know the symptoms of sarcoma, because spotting cancer early is important. An A4 poster to download, share, or print.
Cover of the cancer and genes factsheet
Cancer and genes factsheet
This factsheet is for people who are worried that cancer might run in their family because a number of relatives have had it. It is also for people who are considering genetic testing.
Order publications for your organisation or company

If you are a healthcare professional or company and would like to order print copies of these booklets, complete our online ordering form.

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