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posted by just_me
11 October 2020


Last reply: 19 October 2020 16:03
Hi. I just want to hear of other peoples experiences with TCHP chemo. I'm day 10 after my first round and my heartrate increases every few hours. It makes me feel very anxious. Professor Walsh did say it could happen but does anyone know if this will continue to happen through out treatment?
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posted by ladybird
26 August 2020

Children going back to school

Last reply: 30 August 2020 18:52
Anyone else in a panic about kids going back to school. I haven’t started chemo yet. Son starting back to school tomorrow and I am a nervous wreck. I am in a county that has relatively low numbers. But I still wonder should I keep them at home. Although he has commented that he will wear 20 masks if it means he can go back to school.
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posted by ladybird
08 August 2020

Diagnosed breast cancer

Last reply: 27 August 2020 12:34
I have been diagnosed with cancer originally it appeared on scans to be very small but surgery showed it to be 4.5cm and in 2 biopsied lymph nodes. So now have to do chemo which scare What do I need todo to prepare.
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posted by cove1951
03 June 2020

Cancer Diagnosis over the phone during covid

Last reply: 22 July 2020 18:11
I just wondering if anyone has had a diagnosis presented to them over the phone due to the covid crisis. I am a cancer survivor who had a scan recently due to onset symptoms and was due to see my oncologist this coming Friday for the results. I received a call today to say my oncologist will be calling me by phone due to covid.
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posted by shanec02
11 July 2020

Lymphoma Survival Rates

Last reply: 15 July 2020 16:16
Id like some information on the survival rates of Lymphoma,as I have a lump/swelling under my right ear and a ball under my chin about 2-3cm,Any advice or anything to ease the mind.
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posted by gbl2020
18 June 2020

Waiting for histology report

Last reply: 23 June 2020 18:17
I went for a colonoscopy and gastroscopy on 15th may. I was told just before the procedure taht my gp would be notified of results and no follow up consultation would be necessary. I sort of remember afterwards nurse saying they took some biopises which was routine. About 10 days later i got a letter for an appointment at the gastro clinic. I called up my doctor to see if he got my results. He said that my colonoscopy was clear but that there were biopsies from my gastroscopy being sent for further tests (histology). Its now 4 weeks since my procedure and i called my doctor and they still havent the report. My appointment at gastro clinic isnt till another 4 weeks. The waiting is driving me nuts. Is this normal? Is there anyway to get my results before my appointment?
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posted by SB8715
30 May 2020

Risk reduction

Hi, I just wanted to share with anyone who might be worried about undergoing removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes. I had both ovaries and tubes removed on Tuesday and am now on Saturday, four days post op. I had the surgery done as a preventative measure due to a very high family risk of breast and ovarian cancer. I am feeling great post the procedure - tired and sore - but great. I was lost menopause pre surgery which obviously helps, however please dont be scared if you need to have the surgery - it's all absolutely fine. If anyone has any questions on the procedure or anything connected with this just ask me and I will be happy to share.
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posted by Jodie bettles
20 March 2020

My mom

Last reply: 05 May 2020 12:01
Hi. My mom was told last week that her cancer has spread to her bowel. Last November it had began to spread to her liver but she was put back on chemo which didn't work. Mom originally had it in the appendix which was removed but chemo was never given afterwards as a precaution. Sadly the cancer came back nearly two years ago. It was gone into the lining of her stomach. She was out straight on aggressive chemo which worked. It was contained and she had a break from chemo for months, we were so thrilled. Then last Aug she was very sick. Couldn't eat and what she did eat she brought back up. She was eventually hospitalised and we were told then that he had started to spread into her liver! Last week her oncologist told her it was now gone into the bowel as well and that she had months. We are all so broken. Her oncologist wants to see her back in April and he said if she is in good form and stronger he might give her aggressive chemo! It's like the last chance. But the last few days it's like she has thrown in the towel. She hasn't been going to the toilet but she hasn't been drinking water or eating either. I'm just so lost and broken, I don't know what to do
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posted by shaz
07 April 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 11 April 2020 13:24
Hi folks hope you are all having a good day and keeping well. I've just come from my hospital appointment. I got the dressing changed and healing well but the drains remain in for another week. I recieved my treatment plan. I have to start Chemo in 3 week for 6 months followed by 6 weeks of radiothearphy. I'm trying to get my head around all of this imformation. I have to meet the Chemo team Wed in prep for Chemo. Just hope I have the strenght to fight this. Hugs Sha x
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posted by thenewones095
25 March 2020

Bad News over the phone

Last reply: 28 March 2020 10:28
Hi all, Was wondering if bad news can be given over the phone due to the current Covid-19 situation? Thanks.
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