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posted by Aileen PMBCL
28 January 2025

CAR T therapy

Last reply: 31 January 2025 22:23
Has anyone been through process of CART therapy? I’m Pmbcl refractory. After my third pet scan on on Jan , it was agreed that I start Car T in St James. I was told my pet scan showed a great response to chemo. Sounding that I was bordering between stem cell or cat t , At James they required a 4th petscan after my 3rd cycle of RICE It’s worrying that in a space of three weeks , they have concerns about my most recent pet scan that occurred yesterday. Everyone tells me how well I’m looking and it’s hard to voice at times , the stress and insomnia of managing this cancer
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posted by Raz
20 January 2025

inconclusive PET SCAN

Last reply: 22 January 2025 20:12
Had a PET Scan on January 2nd after my 6 circle of chymotherapy and results were inconclusive which my consultant was NOT great help in discussing it, only said they have to have meeting with team and then give me result. I have to say that I had one PET Scan done after my 4th circle and it was great as the consultant said cancer is gone. But I am confused now with inconclusive result after my 6th and final circle. I don't know if I mentioned that lymphoma 2/3 stage. I would appreciate your response
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posted by Terry Kav
18 December 2018

polycycthemia vera

Last reply: 01 February 2023 21:34
Im looking to talk to someone else with polycycthemia vera.
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posted by Stephen D
18 February 2022

Polycythemia Vera Diagnosed Young.

Last reply: 16 October 2024 22:01
32 Male just diagnosed with PV. Will be beginning treatment shortly (just venesections and aspirin for now). I have really frustrated feelings at the moment. On the one hand getting a diagnosis of a rare cancer makes me upset but given the straight forward nature of the treatment and largely unaffected life expectancy ( when treated) I dont feel like I have any right to complain.
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posted by GRNHL
11 December 2022

Sickness after RChop

Last reply: 19 December 2022 15:55
Hi, I'm going into my 3rd round of Chemo (RChop) for Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and I have been extremely sick after my last two. I had to get admitted back into hospital the last time. Has anyone else experienced sickness like this?? im aware it's a side effect but it horrendous for me!! Thanks.
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posted by TheDebbler
14 March 2022

Chemo Brain: a year after treatment ended.

Last reply: 03 September 2022 01:08
I successfully finished treatment for Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma in December 2020. Not long after my treatment began I noticed a decline in my cognitive ability. To this day I still have issues with fatigue, memory loss, inability to focus for long periods of time, executive dysfunction and heightened anxiety. This is life altering for me and impacts on every aspect of my life, but no one seems to be taking it seriously. I was told it would improve a few months after I finished chemo. It has not really improved at all beyond my energy levels improving a bit. There seem to be no resources available and very little research done. I found one study from 2020 in relation to this and the results indicated that up to a third of HL Survivors deal with long term cognitive issues after treatment. As this is a cancer that effects a lot of young people the effects over a lifetime can be extreme. Why is no one talking about this? I read another study about the impact of reduced estrogen on dopamine levels in the brain as well. It indicated that a reduction in estrogen for more than 10 days can permanently impact our ability to produce and regulate dopamine...which directly impacts executive function, memory, focus etc. Why is this not being discussed with female patients? Someone telling me to use a planner/diary, write stuff down and that I just have to make myself do things is unhelpful. It is insulting! This goes far beyond what such unhelpful advice can remedy. I have mentioned my problems to my oncologist at every single follow up appointment and there is no help being offered to me? Have ADHD drugs ever been used to help people in this country with long term chemo brain? I read a study from the US where they had some success with this. Why is this not being adopted here? Why is this crippling side effect being dismissed as not important. It has ruined my life. Has anyone had any success with getting help for this?
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posted by Claire B
23 August 2022

Biopsy results

Last reply: 24 August 2022 17:25
Hello, This is my first time posting. I had a biopsy done just over 3 weeks ago and the consultants secretary has asked me to come in this Friday for results. I wasn't advised to bring a friend with me for results. Is this generally a positive sign or could I potentially still receive bad news? This whole journey for me started in early June. The waiting for appointments, biopsy, results etc has been incredibly stressful. Any guidance you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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posted by davidbirchill
01 November 2021

Blood Cancer and Booster Vaccine

Last reply: 09 November 2021 16:53
Hello I was diagnosed with a blood cancer this year and I'm due to start treatment at the end of the year. I haven't received any information about the booster vaccine and when I asked in St James I genuinely didn't understand the answer. Does anyone know if people with blood cancers fall under the bracket of immunocompromised and should we expect to be offered the third vaccine? Thanks David
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posted by transplant21
18 March 2011


Last reply: 05 May 2021 13:47
I am thinking of getting my first house after the summer and havent taken any steps yet but was wondering where i stand on getting a mortgage after having a successful bonemarrow transplant after Luekemia only a year ago. From what I gather there is a cap on the amount you can borrow but i am uncertain. Does anyone have any experience in this. cheers
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posted by Emmalu
25 March 2019

Lymphoma symptoms?

Last reply: 28 March 2021 14:37
Hi, the last couple of months I’ve had a lump below my left breast over my lower rib. It’s not painful but I do have some discomfort on that side. Also experiencing mild nausea especially when I eat plus periodic sweats and itchy feet, especially at night. I know some of these could be symptoms of lymphoma but km wondering would that be a normal location for it to be? Do you think it warrants a doctor visit? I don’t want to go along being dranatic but this thing is not going away plus I’m struggling a lot with fatigue. I keep Blaming that that on my underactive thyroid but I’m not sure that’s it now. Just wondering others thoughts? Thanks in advance
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