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posted by ROC
03 July 2024

Losing face

Last reply: 08 July 2024 14:26
Greetings! I'm a bit of a newcomer to online communities, but here goes.... I was recently diagnosed with cancer of the nose. I have been through the mill of CT, MRI and PET scans and basically at this stage I am awaiting surgery. I gather that I am facing [pun not intended] a rhinectomy in a couple of weeks time. The prospect is leaving me just a little nervous. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience of this, and what to expect?
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posted by Eoghan Gardiner
16 October 2023

Pinky Finger cell cancer just want to share

I have had a mri on my pinky finger, so far they think it's a soft cell tumor hopefully benign. I have had it on my finger a few months, originally my GP sent me for a xray but nothing came back so he said it's probably just a ganglion cyst. 8 months later it's gone very big had to go for 2 mri's. ~Anyway just wanted to share I am 30 years old, anyone else had this experience?
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posted by Lainey16
06 August 2023

Bone scan results

Last reply: 08 August 2023 12:37
I have been scheduled for a full body bone scan on Wednesday for a lesion on my sternum,I am going on holidays on Sunday and I'm just wondering does anyone know how quick I could get results,would love them before my holiday
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posted by Lainey16
01 August 2023

Breast mri but found lesion on chest wall bone

Last reply: 11 August 2023 17:05
Anyone have a breast mri that showed up clear but they found a lesion on my sternum bone,I'm so worried,anyone experience of this
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posted by Hoof1
15 October 2018

FNA biopsy on thyroid -my experience and diagnosis

Last reply: 26 May 2023 17:10
I'm describing my experience of an ultrasound guided FNA biopsy for anyone who would like information on it.  Although my 2 sets of blood results were within normal ranges, my doctor noticed a lump on my neck when I swallowed during a visit. Following a consult with an endocrinologist and an ultrasound I then went for the FNA biopsy. I am in my late twenties and had no symptoms at all associated with thyroid cancer. I would have been healthy and rarely needed to visit the doctor prior to this.  I had a good experience with the biopsy. The procedure was explained to me. My head was resting over a pillow so my neck was extended backwards. My whole neck area was cleaned with a wipe and alcohol rub (not very sure about the exact materials used) and a blue gown was put around me to protect clothing from the iodine put on my neck after the biopsy. I received a local anaesthetic (which was like getting the numbing injection in the dentist only in my neck). Felt like getting blood taken, only felt a pinch. After being left for a few minutes for the anaesthetic to take effect, I had to try and not swallow/move my neck, especially when the needle would be inserted into my neck ( I had one nodule/lump on my left side only). The gel was applied to my neck for the ultrasound to guide the needle. A countdown from 3 was used so I knew when the needle would be inserted. A slight pressure was felt where the needle went in but it didn't feel tight/ choking. I just knew it was there. I found it good to focus on a point in the ceiling to distract myself from it. The needle was inserted 3 times in total to get enough representative cell samples. A sticky plaster/bandage was placed over where the needle went in which I removed the next day. Felt fine after it, went home 10 minutes or so after the procedure.  For anyone wondering how it turned out, the diagnosis was papillary carcinoma. I'm having my left lobe of my thyroid removed in just over a week and have spoken to people who have had this surgery. Outlook is positive. Did have consult with surgeon and having vocal cord check, bloods and ecg prior to surgery. Don't forget to ask about risks with flying pre and post surgery just incase you are a high risk patient for surgery. Hope this post helps someone who is in a similar boat to me
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posted by Cancer Nurse
28 February 2023

Rare Cancers

Last reply: 25 February 2024 16:44
Rare Cancers February 28th is Rare Diseases Day. We would like to take a moment to highlight rare cancers. There are over 200 different types of cancer. Rare cancers are uncommon cancers, only a small number of people are diagnosed with these cancers each year. They are defined as rare when the amount of people who are diagnosed with it is equal to or less than 6 new cases per 100,000 persons in one year. Around 1 in 5 cancers diagnosed in Europe is rare. Having a rare cancer can be difficult to cope with as there may be less information available about your type of cancer. People with a rare cancer may also feel more isolated as they are less likely to meet another person with the same cancer. It is important to know that you are not alone, we can provide you with information about help and supports that are available for you. More information about rare cancers can be found on our website: Rare cancers | Irish Cancer Society. If you would loke to speak with one of our cancer nurses please call the Support Line on 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
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posted by christasse
13 March 2023

Waiting times urologist

Last reply: 23 March 2023 16:05
Hi I've a lesion on my kidney got a letter to attend a urologist in Dublin the waiting time is 6 months anyone else like this Christasse
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posted by sandra10
23 February 2023


Last reply: 03 March 2023 02:00
Hi Looking if anyone has had a diagnosis of this particular cancer signet cell gastric adenocarcioma My husband had no symptoms just off food for 2 to 3 weeks was admitted to hospital in late September 2022 got a diagnosis of stage 4 signet cell gastric cancer 12 days later and died 12 days after that seemly this cancer shows no symptoms till your stage 4 . It has been so hard to accept that someone can be taken so suddenly really on the flip of a coin . Have looked for information or support group but their does not seem to be any. We as a family are heartbroken at how sudden the onset was and are looking for anyone who has had this or has information.
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posted by Nick Groom
25 July 2022

After effects of radiotherapy and chemo for throat cancer

Last reply: 02 August 2022 15:04
Has anyone else on this forum undergone radiotherapy, chemo and had a trachea tube fitted as part of treatment for throat cancer? I finished the treatment 12 months ago and had the trachy removed 6 months ago. Since then I have developed internal and external lymphodoema. I also experience considerable pain and discomfort. I cant seem to get any answers as to how long the lymphodoema will last and whether the pain is normal. Any thoughts welcome
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posted by lb1986
20 June 2022

Post esophagectomy

Hi, I am 6 weeks after esophagectomy and still very weak and struggling to put on weight. Just wondering has anyone else experience with this? Have some other complications also. Thanks
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