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posted by hallied
25 July 2024

Prosthesis replacement

Hi All I had a mastectomy two years ago and got a form from the breast nurse for a prosthesesis and bra to take to a surgical bra shop, all free of charge. I believe even if you are not a medical card holder you can get an allowance towards a replacement prostheseis and bra. But how do you go about getting this? Is it at the breast clinic or is there a specialised department within the HSE that deals with it? Thanks for your help.
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posted by Carolinebaldwin
15 January 2024

Pratical help required for my lovely Dad

Last reply: 23 January 2024 15:31
My lovely Dad, aged 82 lives alone in Carrick on Shannon, Leitrim. He is recovering from an end ileostomy in April 2023. His care is provided by Galway and Roscommon. He does not drive as he has advanced macular degeneration. I cannot always get to Carrick to drive him to and from Galway and the alternative is a round trip taxi fare with a wait time in Galway of ca €500. He has a few appointments coming up and we are not sure how we will manage. Can anyone suggest a solution?
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posted by 3007
10 December 2023


Last reply: 15 December 2023 10:06
Does metastasised prostate cancer qualify as a disability for Disability Allowance?
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posted by Geraldino
26 November 2023


Hi my husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer in august, tumour removed and all was fine until we received a call to say they think he may have it in his nodes. he’s due to have a EUS and petscan, we have limited VHI cover, will we have to pay a % of the petscan or is this 100% covered under the HSE . i’m worried about finances as he will be out of work once the treatment starts . Ger
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posted by Monoboob2021
22 April 2023

Returning to Work - Company Trying to Sideline Me

Last reply: 06 May 2023 19:02
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has had experience with their work trying to side-line them when they come back to work? I work in a large public sector hospital and have been out from work for just over 2 years. Our Occupational Health consultant signed me off to return to work 7 weeks ago and I have had to chase my department and HR to start the process. Last week I met with my new manager (started while I was out) and a HR person. They are attempting to put me into a role 2 levels below mine in an entirely different directorate doing data entry. HR person said I am unlikely to ever return to my department and that the office is not 'ergonomically suitable'. Nothing in the Occupational Health report hints at anything to even remotely support this. Sitting near a window for light & temperature management and a phased return is all that is advised. After a long battle with side effects I was prepared for the return to work to be difficult, but I thought it would be only managing side effects, fear of recurrence and awkwardness with colleagues, financial issues. Is there any services that you know of for someone to come along to my next meeting to help me? Because they are behaving so badly I don't want to expose a colleague to any backlash for coming with me. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on how to proceed? Any help greatly appreciated! Thank-you in advance :-) Shocked and disappointed survivor
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posted by dasuat
08 April 2022

Breast Cancer Health Insurance

Last reply: 10 April 2022 08:17
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. First chemo session last week. My question is, is there anyone who can advise on health insurance other than the insurance company? I have been public so far and it has been excellent. I have private insurance but I don’t really understand how it works and when I rang the insurer, they were very vague in answering my questions. I wanted to know if I was covered to be treated privately and they kept coming out with things like- well you can choose to see your consultant privately in the public hospital. After much pressing (and I tears) they said I was covered). I am happy to go public but not if it gets my insurance company off the hook and ends up costing the tax payer! I just want clear answers. I find it disgraceful that they were not more straight with me! When I went for my first breast check I clicked the “have insurance” box and just assumed whatever cover I had would kick in! Obviously not. I am wrecked from chemo but this is niggling at me. Any advice? Thanks
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posted by Caroline F
04 March 2022

House Cleaning

Last reply: 05 March 2022 07:15
Hi all, I'm new to this .Hope you all doing well. I am considering getting a cleaner for general house cleaning as I just can't get it done. I'm finding that it would work out expensive even fortnightly . Just wondering if anyone has used a cleaner and the cost please? Thank you in advance
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posted by rubiablanch
09 November 2021


Last reply: 06 December 2021 14:43
Hi there Aswell as having metastatic cancer i’m also concerned about money. Any policies I have are for when I die but I need it more for while I’m still here. Has anyone been given good advice on this? Thanks so much x
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posted by roda
17 April 2021

Medical Appt and time off work

Last reply: 02 May 2021 02:27
I have an oncology related appointment next week. My employer does not pay sick pay which I know and understand. I want to take the day as unpaid sick leave. However, thay are insisting that I work another day instead. Is that legal?
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posted by ladybird
06 August 2020

Medical card

Last reply: 10 August 2020 14:54
Can u apply for a discretionary medical after been diagnosed. Is it means tested
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