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posted by km2013
24 May 2021


Last reply: 27 May 2021 15:42
Hi, I had a biopsy 10 days ago. I’m due back for results this coming Friday. I’m completely freaking out. My breast is very tender after the biopsy and last night I had blood from my nipple. It’s the longest two weeks of my life.
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posted by burnt out
25 May 2021

at a loss

Last reply: 26 May 2021 16:59
I’m at a loss here so im reaching out to you to see what we can do. My mother had a radical cystectomy over a year ago and the cancer has come back. She is being treated in one of the Dublin hospitals. The regrowth had been missed on a scan but bleeding continued and was eventually found. Last week they brought her up and got her ready for a radium treatment plan. She got an ok to leave the hospital on Friday, tattoos in place, all ready to start treatment on Tuesday. They were to call her back. It was getting late this evening (the Tuesday her treatment was suppose to start) so she called to see what was happening as we don’t live in Dublin and she had been sitting there with bags packed waiting for a call for two days. The secretary she spoke to gave her a new diagnosis and treatment plan and schedule over the phone. Highly irregular and highly upsetting for her. She is approaching 80 years of age and is as timid as you can imagine. The call with the secretary ended leaving her felling a bit lost and very upset. A few minutes later, just as she was coming to terms with all this, the Dr of radiation Oncology called her. She thought this would be to clear thing up. When she answered the phone he attacked her. How dare she be so ungrateful to bother the staff. After all they had done for her. If she didn’t like it she could go find some other hospital to do her treatment. She is absolutely destroyed at this point. Im speechless. We are going to try to move hospitals but feel we will just delay treatment further. I cant believe how he treated her. Completely inhumane, so much so one the other staff overheard the attack he leveled at her and contacted my mother a few moments later to see if she was ok and offered her apology and tried to answer anything she could. So now we are left we no idea what is happening and my mother has suffered a degrading personal attack by the person entrusted with treating her. I’m angry as hell with him but more than that I’m am devastated for my mother who goes to bed tonight demeaned, belittled and with no idea what tomorrow will bring regarding her treatment. What the hell do we do in this situation.
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posted by madge
17 May 2021

Galway breadt check

Last reply: 18 May 2021 11:58
Anyone know if breadt clinic is affected with the virus attack, appointment this week. No phone lines working.
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posted by madge
30 April 2021

Waiting for appointment

Last reply: 18 May 2021 09:56
I visited my doctor about 5 weeks ago with discharge from my breast. She referred me to Galway Breast Clinic and said it should be 6 weeks for an appointment. Still haven't heard anything. Does anyone know what waiting time is in Galway. Would it be ok to ring Clinic. Going out of my mind waiting.
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posted by andy64
12 April 2021

prostate cancer

Last reply: 23 April 2021 15:54
just been diagnosed to day with prostate cancer head all over the place i,m 57 have ahigh psa , the cancer is contained in the prostate for now i have to decide between surgery or radio therapy leaning towards surgery would like to hear from anyone who has been down this road thanks
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posted by carr21
11 April 2021

MDT meeting

Last reply: 21 April 2021 12:45
Hello. This is my first post and im looking for advice. I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks ago. My local hospital suspected womb cancer so i was referred up to see a Gynacological oncologist who did a d&c which came back clear, but due to large fibroids he booked me in for hysterectomy. Following surgery he didnt give me any cause to think that he found anything suspicious. I know that some others, who had the same op as me at the time , have had a call from the hospital to confirm that their pathology tests came back clear. I however have been told that my tests are back but they cannot tell me anything as it is going to an MDT meeting next week and then im to come back to the hospital a few days later to see them. Im very worried. Would you agree that this is a strong indicator that something unexpected has shown up? Thanks for taking the time to read this, and if anyone has any advice to offer id be grateful. I have nearly 2 weeks til i go back, its going to be a very long wait.......
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posted by liam cuddihy
04 March 2021

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Hi I'm 51 in September I had a reoccurrence of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma I've been through rice and I am currently on a trial the outcome of which will decide if i go for stem cell transplant. my question is what have peoples experience of stem cell transplant been like and any advice about preparing for the transplant and recovering. Thanks Liam
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posted by Ireneok
13 February 2021

Hospital appointments

Last reply: 23 February 2021 10:22
Hi I have to go and get a breast check done. Really worried as there is a history of cancer in my family does anyone know how long the wait is now for a check with the corona virus and is there a big difference between public and private waiting times.
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posted by EmDela
17 October 2020

Biopsy Resultd

Last reply: 23 October 2020 16:32
Hi there, I’m hoping someone can help me. I had surgery almost 4 weeks ago to remove a tumor from my abdomen. No biopsy was done in advance as it was growing quickly and consultant didn’t want to delay removal. I was told to expect results within a week. To date nothing... I was updated that they are waiting for the immunohistopathology results before report completed but that was over a week ago. Has anyone experienced similar delays? And, if so, how long? Thanks so much.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
22 October 2020

Are you feeling lonely and anxious about your cancer with COVID 19?

Dealing with a cancer diagnosis in normal times can have a huge impact on you. It’s common and understandable to experience emotions such as shock, sadness, anger, fear, worry and loneliness. Read the first of our Support Line blog posts written by one of our cancer nurses here -
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