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posted by brightonblue
06 September 2021

Cancer in bone after allclear

Last reply: 10 September 2021 07:52
Hi, My mam (69) has contained cancer in the right humerus 12 years after breast cancer in the left breast & lymph nodes. All clear on the breast cancer some years back. This new cancer was Discovered after a pathological fracture to the humerus bone in her arm- without a fall- (a titanium rod and clips in arm required 9 weeks after fracture ). Does anyone have any experience of this? A metastses/sis after so much time in a ‘long bone’? Many thanks, I know my query is a bit specific but I am at very much at sea trying to find comparable or close to relevant experiences.
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posted by BerM
24 August 2021


Last reply: 03 September 2021 20:52
Hi. I had a mastectomy a week ago and cannot bring myself to look at my chest area. I have coped with 6 months of chemo, but find this part very difficult. Any advice?
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posted by Cancer Nurse
02 September 2021

Childhood, Adolecent, Young Adult Cancers Survivorship Conference – 11th September 2021.

The Irish Cancer Society is proudly supporting the virtual Childhood, Adolescent, Young Adult Cancers Survivorship Conference this year.  There will be a virtual stand available at this conference if you wish to speak with a nurse from our support line for any information about the services and supports we provide. Information about the conference, including the programme and registration can be found by clicking this link here. We know that a cancer diagnosis in a younger person can have a devastating impact on those affected, their families and communities.  Some services and supports that the Irish Cancer Society offer are: Cancer Information and advice. Through our support line, the Irish Cancer Society children’s nurse provides advice, support and information to parents.  We can be contacted by phoning 1800 200 700 or by emailing There is also a range of information and publications available on our website. Counselling. We provide free counselling services and play therapy funded through our network of affiliated community cancer support centres. Parent Peer-to-Peer Support. In partnership with CanCare4Living, CanTeen Ireland, and the Childhood Cancer Foundation, we run Ireland’s parent peer support group for parents of children and teenagers with cancer.  Financial Assistance. The Children’s Fund and Travel2Care schemes gives direct financial support to any family who experience a childhood cancer diagnosis. Childhood Cancer Fertility Project. Providing services and developing new methods to preserve fertility for children and young adults after childhood cancer, further information can be found here. Night Nursing. We provide free in-home night nursing care for children and young adults at end-of-life. As part of our strategy 2020 – 2025 we are working to significantly enhance and expand the supports and services which we provide for children and young adults affected by cancer.  If you would like to speak with a cancer nurse about any of these services or for any support or advice, our Support line is available by phone on 1800 200 700 or emailing or alternatively you can drop into one of our Daffodil centres.
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posted by Gursey1985
30 July 2021

Life After Chemo

Last reply: 10 August 2021 13:27
Hi Guys Hoping you can help. I finished treatment for breast cancer in january..My last scan was clear..I'm taking tamoxifen for the next 5 years and trying to push forward..However i just can't seem to shake the feeling not wanting to do anything off..I feel like a shell of myself and have really low days..I was 100 miles an hour through treatment and had so many plans for when i finished it..I fear recurrence alot..I want to be on my own alot too..I watch people find themselves and become so motivated after treatment but I'm just not there.
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posted by shellhgd
17 July 2021

Husband diagnosed

Last reply: 29 July 2021 18:58
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posted by Bradybunch042
20 July 2021


Last reply: 26 July 2021 14:34
My pharmacy says that the total cost of my medication is not covered under the Drugs Payment Scheme as I am having 2 cycles of chemo per month. Is this usual?
1 comment
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posted by FAPHusband
28 February 2017

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

Last reply: 23 June 2021 14:01
Hi I'm new to the forum. My husband was diagnosed with FAP over 13 years ago and had an immediate preventative subtotal colonectomy with IRA. Wondering has anyone out there also been diagnosed with this very rare genetic condition and if so, if they'd like to share?
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posted by AB1976
15 June 2021

Waiting time for appointment

Last reply: 16 June 2021 13:58
Hi found a lump on my breast and my doc referred me for an urgent mammogram 3 weeks ago but haven't heard anything yet. It's been the longest 3 weeks of my life it's all I think about day and night. Can anyone give me any idea of how long it usually takes?? I'm sure with covid and cyber attack that it has probably made waiting time longer, if I had some idea I might not feel so anxious ( probably wishful thinking)
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posted by Mary A
21 March 2021

Endometrial carcinoma

Last reply: 09 June 2021 23:39
Hi, I would like to chat to people diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma. I am fortunate to have recovered from a total hysterectomy and do not need any further treatment. I am quite shaken from having the diagnosis even though I am very fortunate and so much luckier than others with this situation. I’d so much like to link up with others who have had a similar experience .
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posted by Cancer Nurse
27 May 2021

Living Well With and Beyond Cancer Conference 2021

Our free annual patient conference is taking place online next Wednesday, 2 June and Thursday, 3 June. A range of speakers will share their experiences, stories and expert knowledge on living well after a cancer diagnosis through a mix of virtual presentations, interactive workshops and Q&A sessions. The last year has been difficult for people affected by cancer and the uncertainty and isolation continues for many. We would encourage cancer patients, survivors and those that care for them to join us for this unique online event, all from the comfort of your own home. We will look at topics like self-care, healthy eating, exercise as well as advances in cancer treatment. We will also have a virtual exhibition area where you can view information and interact with a range of educational and practical exhibitors and cancer support services. Information about and registration for the conference can be found here.
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Irish Cancer Society Head office, 43/45 Northumberland Road Dublin, D04 VX65; Charity Regulatory Authority No. 20009502; Revenue Number CHY5863; Company Number 20868.