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posted by rachhh
28 December 2022

non hodgkin's lymphoma - high grade

Last reply: 13 January 2023 11:02
My Mam was diagnosed with cancer 18 months ago. My world has been turned upside down. I feel so alone and numb. The treatment she has had so far has failed and the cancer has spread through out her body the Car T cell did not work. I was told today that it’s really aggressive and less then 5% she will make it. My Mam has always been my best friend we live together and do everything together. I don’t know how I would survive if anything happened to her. If anyone is going through a similar journey or can advise where I can get support please reach out to me I am so numb and overwhelmed.
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posted by noddy
06 January 2023


Last reply: 10 January 2023 23:23
Hi all I had a head Ct in dec and thought nothing more of it as it came about from an off the cuff remark about headaches . I assumed these were from ongoing treatment tdm1 and just happened to mention . Anyway when I’m last week for treatment I was given the shock that they had found something on the Ct . It’s very very small and I’ve been told highly treatable if it’s something to worry about . I’ve now to have head mri to find out what it is exactly . To say my anxiety levels are through the roof is a massive understatement !!! Mri may not be for at least 3 weeks yet which is torture . I’m so so upset as am due my last treatment in 2weeks and had dared to get a little excited . Every time this time round that I have gotten to the finish line I’ve been tripped up . Has anyone had anything similar which turned out to be nothing ?? This is my second breast cancer diagnoses (I was a month off 10yrs clear ,it came back in recon breast in same spot ). Please any advice greatly appreciated . TIA
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posted by twig88
14 December 2022


Last reply: 02 January 2023 01:39
Hi, I’ve finished 4 rounds of AC Chemo and I am due to start 12 rounds of taxel next week. Just want to know anyone’s experience of side effects? I actually flew through AC. Does your hair start to come back while on taxel??
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posted by EileenCY
25 October 2022

New to the community

Last reply: 14 November 2022 16:23
Hi All, I’m in the middle of chemo at the moment. I was diagnosed with appendix cancer in June this year. It has spread to my ovaries, peritoneum and bowel. I’m doing relatively ok but I look forward to my operation, hopefully early next year. I’m looking forward to talking to others going through this journey, it’s a lonely road. Good wishes to everyone out there who's doing or has done the journey Eileen
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posted by Anne Kinnane
30 September 2022

Preventative mascatomy

Last reply: 24 October 2022 23:22
Hi I am having a preventative double mascatomy with expanders on the surgery on the 4th of October any advice on what i need or how long before I can go back to work feeling ver nervous
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posted by Star10
21 September 2022

Travel insurance

Last reply: 04 October 2022 16:12
Could anyone recommend a company that provides holiday travel insurance for someone with cancer in Ireland please?
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posted by Catlover
24 August 2022

Recovering from Treatment

Last reply: 27 August 2022 00:23
Hello I finished treatment for Breast Cancer last April 2021. I had Chemotherapy and Radiation. I still have a lot of tiredness. I would really appreciate it if anybody who has gone through the same thing could give me advise about this.
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posted by andyocallaghan
21 August 2022

Stress dealing with my wife's cancer

Last reply: 25 August 2022 14:22
Hello...first post! My wife is in the middle of phase 1 chemo for Leukaemia. She is six weeks into the treatment. I was doing well initially, occupying myself with housework etc., But last weekend, I hit a just crept up on me. I went from sleeping well to having a lot of difficulty.... I've tried sleeping tablets or relaxants, but no joy so far.... Plenty of pain/stomach aches etc., and feeling very anxious... Just wondering if anyone else here has had these symptoms, and any suggestions to break this cycle.... Many thanks for any help that can be offered Andy
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posted by twig88
13 August 2022

Breast cancer & pregnant

Last reply: 18 August 2022 04:35
Hey, I am 23 weeks pregnant and got the news at 19 weeks that I have breast cancer. I’m post op….lumpectomy and lymph node removal and got the good news today that nodes and margins are clear. I am now facing the journey down the chemotherapy road and just wanted to see if there are any women on here who are pregnant or who had been pregnant while going through chemo? X
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posted by chellh
09 August 2022

Mm cancer

Last reply: 15 August 2022 15:00
Hi my mam has recently been diagnosed with mm cancer I just want to talk to people who are in the same predicament as I am. I live in wexford she lives in Cork so I don't get to see her that often .I feel so useless that I can't be there for her
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