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posted by Irish Cancer Society
12 May 2008

Mole Changes

We all have moles somewhere on our skin and almost always these will remain innocent (benign) and harmless throughout our lives. Very occasionally a mole can change and turn into a cancer - a malignant melanoma. If this does happen, it is so important to see your family doctor for a check up as it is very important that a cancerous mole is diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. If a mole or freckle shows the following changes, then it is recommended that you see a specialist (dermatologist) . It is getting bigger It is changing shape It has an irregular shape It is changing colour It has a mixture of different colours An ulcer ( a sore or raw area ) has formed on its surface It is red or sore Moles or freckles have started to bleed or are itchy Most doctors can tell whether the mole is benign or malignant straight away but if in doubt, a small piece of tissue at the mole site is removed ( biopsy) to find out if cancer cells are present. What happens next depends on the result of the biopsy. The biopsy will show if you have melanoma and if it has all been removed. It will also show how deep it extends under the skin surface and if you need further tests and treatment. If the melanoma has been completely removed and if it is not too deep then no further management is necessary. However, you will have regular appointments with the doctor to have your skin examined as melanoma can recur. He/she will also show you how to inspect your skin. If you have been treated for melanoma you are more at risk of developing it at the same place, or elsewhere in the body.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
17 April 2008

How do I get screened for cancer?

There isn't any one test for cancer. If you are worried about a symptom or if you would like an overall check, go to your GP. He / she can refer you on to an appropriate specialist if neccessary. The European code against cancer has a useful guide to staying healthy, which includes: -Don't smoke. -Drink moderate amounts of alcohol. -Eat a healthy diet, high in fibre and low in fat. -Avoid becoming overweight. If you already are, plan to lose weight. -Take regular exercise. -Be sunsmart, wear sunscreen and cover up. Avoid the sun between 11am and 3pm. -If you notice anything wrong with your body, eg. a new lump, unusual bleeding or a symptom that wont go away, go to your GP.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
10 April 2008

I have abnormal cells in my cervix - does this mean cancer?

Abnormal cells on the cervix can be detected during a smear test. Many women feel anxious when they are told after a smear test that they have abnormal cells on their cervix. They often assume that this means cancer. Abnormal cells means a condition known as CIN. CIN is not a cancer but may develop into cancer in some women and so is often described as 'pre-cancerous' changes. The initials CIN stand for cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia. there are three types: CIN 1, CIN 2 and CIN 3. The abnormalities in CIN 1 are quite minor and will often disappear of their own accord without requiring any treatment . The risk of CIN 1 becoming cancerous is considered to be very small. Doctors therefore advise that the smear test be repeated in six months. If changes in the cervix continue, then further treatment may be suggested. In CIN 2 and 3, the abnormal cells cover more of the cervix and are more likely to develop into cancer if treatment is not given. The treatment for CIN 2 and 3 is usually very simple and can often be done as an out-patient. Treatments include a procedure called LETTZ, which stands for large loop excision of the transformational zone, Other treatments also available are laser therapy, cryotherapy (freezing the cells) or cold coagulation (removing the cells using heat). National Cancer Helpline 1800 200 700 (Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm, Fri 'til 5pm)
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
01 April 2008

GPs should discuss prostate cancer risk with their patients

Action Prostate Cancer is launching its inaugural Prostate Cancer Awareness Week by revealing results of a national survey of 1,000 men (aged 50+ years) to further establish awareness and understanding of prostate cancer. One of the key findings from the survey was that overall, only 37% of respondents claim that their GP is taking action and opening discussions with them on the risk of developing prostate cancer and merits of screening and early detection of prostate cancer. More information on the Action Prostate Cancer website:
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