Signs and symptoms
posted by MsPaws
13 June 2022

Found a very small lump in breast

Last reply: 22 June 2022 15:53

Last week I got a shooting pain in my right breast, as I was reaching for the pain to ease it, I found a small pea size lump/shape. I am not even sure you would call it a lump, but it is small like a pea and hard. It does not move and is in the area close to the nipple (does not feel close to the surface if you understand). If you press in you can feel the small hard piece. My other breast does not feel like this and I have never felt this before ( I am 34). The shooting pain is gone but I have had a small amount of soreness/pain or discomfort in my breast since.
I have made an appointment to see my GP this week, I guess I am feeling nervous, I don't want to be wasting a doctors time but at the same time I don't want to ignore it.
Is a physical exam from the GP enough to know something or should a scan or something be done to properly determine what it is?

Thanks to anyone who reads and I completely understand if there is not enough time to respond to my query.



commented by lotusflower
14 June 2022

14 June 2022 10:54

Hi MsPaws, never be afraid of wasting your Doctors time it is always better to get things checked out even just for peace of mind. Your Dr will send you for a scan if necessary so just take one step at a time, but make sure you are happy & if not don’t be afraid to get a 2nd opinion. It is likely nothing to worry about but you won’t be at ease until you hear that from your GP. Best of luck x

commented by MsPaws
22 June 2022

22 June 2022 11:08

Thank you lotusflower.
I went to my GP (it wasn't my regular doctor on the day) and they found the lump also. I have been reffered to St Vincents but I am told as it has been deemed non urgent it is about 15 weeks for an appointment there. That feels like a very long wait time. I am considering going private to see if I can be seen sooner than that, for my own peace of mind.

commented by pamy
22 June 2022

22 June 2022 11:47

Heya in previous years I have got tests done & lumps appearing my my breasts & it turned out to be nothing to worry around. December 2020 I went back to my doctor with another lump, this time he thought it was normal breast tissue but referred me to hospital anyway & it was only April last year I was called in. 5 month wait. I had breast cancer & it spread to the lymph node under my arm. No matter what the lump is its always urgent to get these things checked out. Go back to your doctor about it or do get a second opinion. There's nothing worse than waiting. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about & best of luck.

commented by MsPaws
22 June 2022

22 June 2022 15:53

Hi pamy,
Sorry you had to wait so long, that is appaling. Thank you for sharing that with me and I hope you are doing well.
I have asked my GP to refer me to a private consultant, I am told an appointment should be got in 2-3 weeks for them and then they will deal with sending for any necessary imaging.

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