Living with cancer
posted by singingbog
18 September 2012

thinking of suicide

Last reply: 20 September 2012 14:30

I have had this very rare sinus cancer that is starting to spread. ADENOCARCINOMA OF ETHMOID SINUS CAUSED BY ORGANIC WOOD. IT HAS BEEN REMOVED 8 times,6 weeks radiotherapy,and now IV been waiting three months for brain surgery. My son was killed in Afghanistan
last year, I have no family and the pain is immense and suicide seams to be my only answer because when I'm asleep I don't hurt




commented by wilmaone
18 September 2012

18 September 2012 00:14

Hi amber please please please don't think of this as your only answer.surely you have friends close by please go to one or your local gp/hospital there has to be someone that can help.i understand how you must be feeling I'm truly upset for you.please ring one of the nurses on this site and talk to them.PLEASE

commented by Kathleen
18 September 2012

18 September 2012 14:51

Dear Amber,

My heart goes out to you as I read of your terrible suffering. I am so sorry to hear about your son. Such a waste of a young life.

Please, please phone your doctor or oncology nurse to get better pain medication. It sounds as if you need it for sure. You could also contact the help line for some moral support.

Let us know how you are doing. I'll be thinking and praying for you.



commented by Irish Cancer Society
20 September 2012

20 September 2012 14:30

Dear Amber,

I am very sorry to read your post on our message board. I can see how distressed you are when you feel that the only way to soothe your emotional pain and hurt is through wishing to shorten your life.

It must feel extremely difficult coping from day to day with not only the cancer but also the loss of your son so recently. Either of these traumas alone could feel too much to bear and cause you to feel overwhelmed, devastated and depressed to the point where you feel there is no hope in going on.

There can come a point where we need the help of others both family, friends and professionally to help us through the pain both the physical and psychological. Often those darkest feelings of suicide can lift and will pass with a bit of time and the right kind of support.

By reaching out you will get help and support through this really difficult time. With help you will find a place to speak about your pain and not feel alone, and to be comforted as well as given ways to cope until you feel a bit stronger and find ways to feel more hopeful in life again.

There are many support services out there that will be more than willing to support you through this difficult time. It’s very important that you share how low you feel with both your family doctor and your cancer team in the hospital now so that they can support you further in the right way with either additional professional help through the psycho –oncology team or counsellor.

Please feel that you can contact us on the National Cancer Helpline on freefone 1800 200 700 where you can speak confidentially with a cancer specialist nurse. We would be able to offer you further advice in seeking support for yourself around services which are specially trained in supporting people who feel suicidal.

I notice that you have placed your name and mobile on our message board. We are conscious that the internet is a very open forum and your privacy may be compromised and at a time and moment when you are feeling very vulnerable. With this in mind we feel it wise for us to remove your name and contact number from your post.

I hope that you will find this response helpful and that it will prompt you now to get this help for yourself so that you can begin to feel a bit stronger. The help is there you are not alone.

Kind regards,
Irish Cancer Society

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