Food query
Hi there, trying not to read too much about diet as so much conflicting advice out there.
Can you eat a takeaway when having chemo?
And I’m reading conflicting advice on raw vs cooked nuts?
yeah I just read on a UK cancer site to eat roasted nuts rather than raw- again maybe cos cooking/roasting can kill bacteria or something?
and my nurse advised no takeaways which I thought was a bit strange. Obviously I wouldn't eat them regularly but I'm sure the odd one is ok- and yes avoiding rice I think is good idea.
Funnily enough I'm not long off the pregnancy diet so Ive been used to cutting out all the things I love!!
There is always a little risk with take away I suppose. I ask them how my white blood cells are when I go in for my chemo dose, it has never been bad, so I take that as permission to eat riskier thing's the weekend before chemo ;-) It's worked out so far and I am nearly done. Everyone responds differently, hope it is manageable, and you have lots of help with a small bundle at home.
that's good to hear, thanks!
I will ask how the Wbc are next time.
i've 2 small bundles !!! ;) luckily have fantastic husband and parents in law to help and support me
Hey tbh everyone should be eating a healthy diet . Everything in moderation. Just don't eat grapefruit or pomegranate they interact with your medication . But if you want a take away have one 🥰
I got little prescriptive advice from the hospital when commencing chemo. I kind of followed a pregnancy style diet with a few modifications.
Specific to your questions, I ate unsalted mixed nuts without issue (the basic tesco/lidl ones), is there an problem with these... oops?
Takeaway is fine - recommendations include, don't get stuff with salad as you don't know how long it is left out, how well it was washed (like all advice about avoiding deli's).
Don't get rice - if rice is let cool and reheated it can contain dangerous bacteria. Usually I don't worry about reheating rice, but for a few months I am avoiding this. Instead get noodles, chips, naan, or make rice at home to have with sauce from takeaway.
Make sure food is hot: if you are getting delivery rather than collecting with transport it can be left to cool a good bit, thoroughly reheat if it is not still hot.