Breast cancer
posted by Avril
11 January 2015

To scan or not to scan/stage 4

Last reply: 05 February 2015 11:12

Hi All,
I have just finished six months of chemo[Taxol].
because of bone mets.
Then had bone scan but oncologist couldn't open disc to read it and then told me that bone scans could not tell if the Taxol had worked or not!
Why bother having the scan then?
He also told me that I will be beginning a new hormonal treatment this week[Letrozole did not work for me as developed mets while on it.]
He doesn't plan to do regular scans as according to him they do not affect eventual outcome and only cause stress! He is going to be 'symptom driven'.

Was so shocked to hear this as believed I would be scanned regularly. I was so confused and cried my eyes out for the evening.
To add insult to injury have clots on my lung so will be on blood thinning medication for these [an injection every day for six months]
Has anyone else had a similar experience? Has anyone else changed their oncologist midcourse so to speak? I know you always want to shoot the messenger, I am mentioning no names and would not, but would really appreciate advice. Anyone out there who just didn't click with their onc?



commented by LindyLu
11 January 2015

11 January 2015 22:14

So I don't walk in your shoes as I don't have a stage 4 diagnosis but if I did not trust my team, especially my onc, I would consider changing or at the very least, look for a second opinion.

A second opinion is likely one that you may have to pay for but if it gave you similar treatment plan it may restore your trust in your onc.

I see my onc as a public patient (in Beaumont). One of my cancer pals attends the mater private. Her onc scans every 6mo but she had a lobular diagnosis. My onc will only scan if their are symptoms. I had back trouble about 18months ago. I mentioned it at one my my visits, he adopted a wait and see, give it 2-3 months approach but eventually organised an MRI. As it happend it was nothing other than an old disk injury.

So don't settle for anything other the best. You have enough to contend with without double guessing your onc or yourself. So change or get a second opinion.

Good luck!

commented by Avril
12 January 2015

12 January 2015 21:27

Hi Lindylu,
Thank you for getting back to me!
Am a very anxious person by nature anyway.
What do the Americans say' If you can't hug your oncologist you are with the wrong oncologist!'
I wouldn't go that far! I know they are under great pressure but we have but one life and you want to what is right.

commented by Josephine
28 January 2015

28 January 2015 21:51

Hi Avril
I hope you are feeling ok since your post. I just wanted to tell you that my oncologist is of the same opinion regarding scans (I'll pm the name to you). I don't share your diagnosis but like you I am quite anxious about everything. At the time of diagnosis, I expected to be followed up regularly with scans and he told me that it isn't really of benefit to possibly find a problem a few weeks sooner than your own body would alert you. I know I felt like he was saying that if something crops up, it's hopeless anyway so what's the point in knowing that a bit sooner. But when I thought about it more calmly since then, I know he was trying to say that our bodies will tell us if there is a problem and the treatment will follow as required.

I think the best we can do for ourselves is try not to worry too much. I'm not the best at that but I'm trying everything, counselling at the local support centre, relaxation cd at night, fresh air, learning to swim etc. I find keeping busy helps even if it's just busy reading a book or watching a movie.
Best wishes and hope things go well for you
Jo x

commented by Deise
29 January 2015

29 January 2015 21:03

Hi avril
I really liked my 1st oncologist but was pushed by a really good friend to seek a 2nd opinion and I'm so glad I did. At the end of the day if the 2nd oncologist says the same thing then you know you are on the right track and if not you have choices. It's something you won't regret. I wish you the very best and lots of love xxxx

commented by Avril
30 January 2015

30 January 2015 19:49

Hi Deise,
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me.
I bit the bullet and changed oncologist.
Hopefully I will 'click' with the new one.
Wish you the best of luck too.

Avril x

commented by Ellie
04 February 2015

04 February 2015 20:31

Hi Avril,

I am stage 4 and I am scanned every 3 months. My oncologist has it booked well in advance and it never is a case of seeing how I'm feeling on the particular treatment. To be honest I never know how the scan results will go so I'm very happy to have it every 3 months to be able to know how things are going! I have an excellent relationship with him, and I think everyone needs to be happy with their oncologist.

I cannot believe your oncologist would leave it symptom driven! Stage 4 is very serious and needs to be regularly monitored through scans and treatment. sometimes you cant tell how things are going. You can feel fine but things get worse without you even knowing! I'm so glad you got a second opinion. Good luck with your treatment and let us know how you get on.

Ellie Image removed.

commented by Avril
05 February 2015

05 February 2015 11:12

Dear Ellie,
Was indeed very worried about the whole notion of 'symptom driven'. Just did not get it.
Was worried as how would one know if back pain was as a result of treatment side effects[Zometa and Fasoldex] or something more sinister?
I have read many of your posts and know exactly how you feel especially your decision to postpone treatment until after Christmas.
It ain't easy!

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