Breast cancer
posted by winda34
03 February 2014

Awaiting Biopsy Results.

Last reply: 16 February 2014 17:55

Hi Guys,

I have been reading through the threads and post here over the last few days and am overwhelmed at the amount of support and love here on the boards. It's comforting and reassuring to have someone to talk to!

The story is, I found a lump on my left breast 2 weeks ago, wasn't checking per se but brushed off it when I was reaching over to get a Creme egg out of my bedside locker (I have a nice little stash in there Image removed.

Feels like a marrowefat pea that hasn't been cooked I suppose is the best way to describe it. Went to my GP and I think she missed it but found a small one near my nipple. I was so agitated, I said "yes thats it"

When I came home and had a feel meself, I realised it was nowhere near the nipple....(I am a gobshite)

Anyway, she sent off the email to Beaumont and I got called last Tuesday. A youngish little doctor saw me, (there seemed to be loads of them all waiting around). She found it straight away and said "well it doesn'r FEEL like cancer" She then left the room and came back and told me "He" (no idea who he is, Prof Hill perhaps??) wants me to go for a mammogram and a scan (I already have breast implants)
Scuttled off in my too big gown and had the mammogram, had to have quite a few because of the implants) and then next door for a scan. Lovely lady doing the scan had a look and said, it's not a cyst looks like you could have a benign something or other....I felt relieved, then she had another look and said, No actually, we are going to do a biopsy now and stated getting things ready. had the Ultrasound guided needle thingy and that was it. She then gave me a sealed letter to bring back up with Doc Hills name on it.
Toddle on back up to the breast clinic where another little doctor grabbed the letter and opened it and told me to go take a seat.

I was called back in by the same young girl who examined me initially, she sat down with me to say I will have to come back for result, she then had to find out when so she left again and I could heat her asking one of the others.
So she came back and told me to come back this Fri at 1.30 (10 day wait), she said that the team meet to discuss results and if is is cancerous, they will decide what to do.

I guess my question is how concerned should I be? They all made the right noises that is was not cancer but something tells me, you can't take this at face value and a lump no matter how small or insignificant, could be cancer and it does not have to be the size of my head. If it is not cancer, will they remove it anyway?

Guess I am rambling now but would just like to know if anyone has been in the same boat.

Thanks so much

Happy Wet Monday!!



commented by WicklowLady
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 12:03

Best not to speculate and try not to worry till you know what it is. My doctor told me my lump was suspicious so I had a fair idea I was in trouble but they haven't said that to you so maybe not. Just try to be patient. I hope it is nothing but if it is something you'll be like us you'll get through it xxxx best of luck

commented by winda34
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 12:12

Thanks so much for replying wicklowlady. Good advice, I am surprisingly calm (husband is like an antichrist though) which is not helping. Image removed.

commented by WicklowLady
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 12:19

It's not an easy time, worst week of my life. At least I could deal with it when I knew what it was. The waiting was terrible

commented by winda34
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 12:23

I agree, I keep forgetting about it and then it kinda gives me a kolt when I remember. On the countdown now for result, hopefully will not batter hubby to death with iron before then. Image removed.

commented by Catherine1964
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 12:40

Hello winda,
Sorry to hear you are in this situation.
I agree with WL - In my case, the surgical consultant I met was clear very early on as to what we were probably dealing with, and the consultant who did the ultrasound the same day even showed me where the line between tumour and other breast tissue was blurred (bad news, as a cyst would have had a neater outline, apparently) - I was sent to do a biopsy same day.
It took for ever to be certain of my exact diagnosis, and even more importantly, what treatment I would need (found lump late May 13, diagnosis mid June 13, lumpectomy late June 13, took all the way to late August for genotyping of tumour tests to know precisely what treatment I would need, thankfully no chemo) but the fact is that what I was told with reservations in the very early stages transpired exactly.
Try to zen it out (easier said than done) and to explain to your husband that he should do the same to support you most efficiently. Until you have something confirmed, try to avoid worrying, potentially completely unnecessarily (again, this is easier said than done). It is a fact that the vast majority of breast lumps are benign.
I wish you the very best, and hope you are told on Friday that you have nothing to worry about.


commented by winda34
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 12:53

Thanks a million Catherine, Wow, it's took such a long time for you to finally get answers! Glad you didn't have to have chemo though.

Doing a lot of meditation and sitting on my hands when I want to ring Hubbys irritating little neck Image removed. Hopefully all will be fine on Friday but if not, I will be an avid little poster here and deal with whatever they tell me xx

commented by Catherine1964
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 13:56

Hi Winda, I don't want to panic you: you will know where you stand as soon as you get the biopsy results. I knew as soon as I got the biopsy result that my lump was cancerous, albeit small, early stage, and not very aggressive (grade 1). I was also told it would be whipped out pronto - just the lump, not the whole breast. But, though being told I had cancer was quite a shock, what I wanted most of all was clarity as to the treatment I was going to need. I was told very early on the most likely scenario - which was reassuring, as apparently relatively benign - but certainty took longer than I would have liked. I might as well tell you I had a celebratory meal out with Hubby the day I was told I would not "benefit" from chemo!!!
Again, the very best of luck. I hope after Friday you have no further reasons to come visit Image removed.
Best wishes

commented by winda34
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 15:41

That's is exactly Catherine, I just want to know where I stand so I can plan ahead and know what I am dealing with. I will be having a celebratory Chipper (fast food Fiend) if all turns out ok...and a chipper and a Chinese if it doesn't Image removed.

Thank you for the positive vibes, this place is deadly x

commented by Resolute
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 18:50

Hello winda34
Sorry to hear you're situation, I remember it only too well.. Whatever your result on Friday you'll get through it (but hopefully all you'll need to worry about is what to do to celebrate!). You sound like a powerhouse so if the news is bad I've no doubt you'll take control and go with it!!
Do let us know how you go.


commented by winda34
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 19:01

I sure will Resolute. Another day nearer to knowing Image removed.

I have to admit I am in awe of all the jargon under all of your names. Like another language! Have no clue what it means!

commented by encee
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 20:23

Hello Winda;
Firstly, I think it's great that you got the mammogram & core biopsy on same day, at least it didn't string out for ages.
On the day I went to be examined, I had the mammogram & biopsy, I went back to the doctor & was told it looked like cancer but I'd have to wait 10 days before it was confirmed. I had a pain in my face in that time from trying to pretend everything was normal.
I really hope that everything goes well - it good to let it all out here (before we hear about you on the 9 o'clock news for harming your husband Image removed. )

commented by Resolute
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 20:25

Sadly it's a language that you learn very quickly.. When I was first diagnosed I spent night and day reading anything I could get my hands on.. I remember thinking that the more I knew about it the better I would be prepared & to be honest I had a fairly easy time in the end (compared to a lot on the forum)..
I wish you a 'speedy' week Image removed.

commented by winda34
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 21:40

Ahhh Encee, he has a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp...does raise the question though, if I do get bad news how is he going to cope then..the fact that he will have a stiletto embedded in his skull will not help matters Image removed.

Oh Glad I got all 3 done on the same day then!!!

commented by WicklowLady
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 21:44

Oh winda I do hope you get good news but I'll miss your humour, you're hilarious

commented by winda34
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 22:05

Wicklow Lady, riddle me it just me or is this the norm? This week EVERYONE on the tv has cancer, people are bringing it up in conversation, there are ads for it, My Left Breast Movie was on , people even came to the door COLLECTING for it yesterday!!! Hubby came in with a conspitated look on his face from the door and said..they are collecting for.....and then mouthed the word cancer like I had suddenly turned deaf (he would not get a job at the bottom of the screen on Nuacht because he looked in pain)

Are my senses heightened to notice this or is it like a Twilight Zone SIGN????

It's going my cranium in! Image removed.

PS, I gave them a tenner x

commented by WicklowLady
03 February 2014

03 February 2014 22:48

Oh you are funny. Yes I think our antennae is up. Then again there is a lot of it about. Men are strange aren't they. I'm laughing here to myself at your post.

commented by Catherine1964
04 February 2014

04 February 2014 09:20

Hi Winda, Fair play for keeping the funny bone going! I agree that you're paying more attention to everything cancer now that it feels a little closer to home. I had the same experience. However, the fact is that cancer generally, and breast cancer in particular, are incredibly prevalent. I read somewhere (apologies for failing to quote source, I just can't remember) that 13% of women in GB would at some point be diagnosed with BC - that's simply HUGE!
Re. hubby, I was very lucky that mine kicked into support mode straight away. He came to all my "big" appointments and kept notes - which proved invaluable, because my brain was not functioning properly, and my memories of what was said were sometimes fundamentally different from his notes - which invariably were proven correct.
I sincerely hope you don't need to go there, but should you need to, it might be an idea to give your husband that "job", to help you "project manage" the campaign (apologies, I am currently in an intensive Grand Design watching phase Image removed. ). He needs to support you, because while you have a brilliant sense of humour, and sound like a very dynamic persons, you will need his support if the news is not ideal.
I want to also emphasise that a cancer diagnosis, if you get one, is not a one-size-fits-all. Some of us (like me, and at least one other person on this thread) don't need chemo and in my case I had only 1 week off work (around surgery), because I was sufficiently close to the hospital (and was accommodated by the fab folks at the St Luke's Radiation Onc Dept at James') to do my radiotherapy every morning before work.
Even if you have to go through chemo - which is what makes you really sick - I think you will see from many here that while it can be incredibly tough when you go through it, you do come out the other end, in many cases entirely back to yourself, and generally with a greater appreciation of life!
Anyway, I do wish you the best. Hang on to that fabulous sense of humour, and be sure to get Hubby to read this thread!
Best wishes,

commented by winda34
04 February 2014

04 February 2014 09:36

Thanks so much Catherine. I think you are right. Before I got on to this forum and I heard the word cancer, I thought straight away...ohhh baldy, puking, skeletal, coloured headscarves, drawn on eyebrows and no hope.
How wrong was I, even if I don't have cancer, I am so glad I read these ladies stories. It has made me realise EVERY person is different, every cancer is different and everyone's journey is different. ALSO that there are a LOT of women affected, I never realised that before, how many women's lives are affected by cancer.
I think this is a wonderful place and honestly should be in the pamphlets that they give you in the hospital so more people know about it. it;s good to have a place to come if the news is bad.

In regard to hubby, I will give him that role (his spelling aint the best now so will end up with Canker instead of Cancer) but we will give it a shot! Image removed.

commented by WicklowLady
04 February 2014

04 February 2014 16:39

Oh winda you're hilarious, canker? Sounds so funny

commented by winda34
04 February 2014

04 February 2014 17:28

ARRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH I Can't believe it, Just got a call from Beaumont saying the Friday Clinic has been CANCELLED because there is no doctor available???? So I have to wait till NEXT TUESDAY for results??

Now I am really worried because if it was nothing surely they would let me go on Fri and see one of the young docs (that there seems to be about a million of) but Dr Hill won't be there on Fri.

Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I feel like beating meself goodlooking.

So disappointed Image removed.

commented by elizo
04 February 2014

04 February 2014 18:03

Hi winda
The waiting is the worst time, so try not too worry. The doctor might not be available to review results so that is why you have wait for him to see you. I remember when I was waiting for results to see if I needed chemotherapy my appointment was cancelled and I had to wait two more days I thought that was a bad sign but I didn't need chemotherapy. So try your best not to worry

commented by winda34
04 February 2014

04 February 2014 18:13

Thanks Liz xx I hope so. Al this is new to me, cancelled appointments and clinics and the VERY dare they!! Image removed.Image removed.

commented by Catherine1964
05 February 2014

05 February 2014 10:24

Hi Winda, I genuinely don't think you should read anything into the delay. It is a regrettable fact that our health system is creaking at the seams, and rescheduled appointments happen all the time.
I know waiting is awful, but try to distract yourself if you can over the week end - I don't know, do something unusual, go see a good movie, go out for a meal with the signif other, go for a long walk in teh countryside (don't forget the wet gear!!!) ....?
Good luck, W!

commented by happymum
05 February 2014

05 February 2014 10:58

Hi Winda34,
The best of luck with your results.It is such a difficult time , I am only diagnosed since dec 13 last. Iknow exactly what u r going through ,its all the waiting between tests , results and treatment starting .You really are in limbo for a while.i am still waiting for treatment to start, I had surgery on dec 23 a wide local excision ,they now have to do oncotype test to see if i need chemotherapy so that holds up all other treatment until results come back in another 2 weeks.Whatever the outcome is you arent on your own,there is so much help there and the medical people are so tuned in and act as quickly as they can.good luck with all.

commented by winda34
05 February 2014

05 February 2014 12:20

Thanks so much Happymum and Catherine. I am not great with the aul patience...the kids are going to their aunties for the weekend for I can have a nice break (chippers galore)
Glad I have the first app of the day on Tuesday I suppose so not too much hanging around.

The waiting must be hard for you Happymum, I Hope you don't need chemo x

commented by Resolute
12 February 2014

12 February 2014 08:14

Morning winda34!

Hope all went well for you yesterday and that you finally got your results Image removed.


commented by WicklowLady
12 February 2014

12 February 2014 08:28

Hope you were celebrating last night but if not we are all here for you. Cyber hugs xxxx

commented by WicklowLady
16 February 2014

16 February 2014 17:55

Just thinking about you today and that we hadn't heard anything in a while. Hope all is good

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