posted by pennylane 520
23 February 2024
Last reply:
08 March 2024 20:48
Hi , not sure if this is the right place to post my question.
I had bowel cancer and liver cancer just over 1o years ago, while I recovered well I finding the fatigue that comes sometimes very debilitating. Do anyone else still suffer with this after so many years and any tips on how to deal with it would be greatly appreciate. 🥰
commented by Nora
08 March 2024
08 March 2024 20:48
Hi Penny Lane
I have no solutions for you but wanted to tell you that your post has given me a lift. I'm currently being treated for bowel & liver cancer and the fact that you're ten years on has given me a hopeful boost.
I really hope you find a solve for your issue. x
Hi Pennylane 520
I do hope someone responds to your post soon.
If this symptom of fatigue is a recent development, it may be advisable to go to your GP to have a check up and possibly blood done to make sure there isn’t a different reason for the fatigue.
However, if your fatigue has been on-going it has been found that
I hope this has helped if you would like to talk to one of our cancer nurses please do not hesitate to contact us on 1800 200 700 Monday to Friday 9am -5pm. We can post any of our booklets to you also.
Kind regards
Cancer Nurse