About cancer advocacy

Advocacy refers to working at all levels of Government to make sure cancer patients receive the best care and support before, during and after their cancer treatment.
As Ireland’s national cancer charity, we are working towards a future without cancer. Advocacy plays an important role in achieving this vision.
Every day, Government departments and state agencies make important decisions about the policies and resources that affect the lives and wellbeing of people who have cancer, survivors, families and caregivers.

An independent voice
The Irish Cancer Society is a not-for-profit organisation which receives only 3% funding from the State. This allows us to be the independent and informed voice of those affected by cancer.
We represent people affected by cancer and make sure that people who shape cancer policy and provide cancer services hear their voice.
We also lobby Government to introduce policy changes that can reduce cancer risk.
How does the Irish Cancer Society advocate on cancer issues?
We raise awareness of cancer related issues and campaign for policy and legislation that can help save lives and improve the lives of people with cancer.
We regularly meet elected representatives, civil servants and policymakers to let them know what we think about cancer issues and how we think policy and legislation can help save lives and improve the lives of people with cancer.
Our independent voice and our on-going contact with people affected by cancer, and with the nursing, research and medical professions means that we can speak out in an informed way.
We produce briefing notes for elected representatives on cancer issues so that they are informed on issues affecting those living with and beyond cancer, as well as taking part in Department of Health, Oireachtas and other public consultations.
Some examples of our advocacy successes include:
- The workplace smoking ban.
- The introduction of warning images on cigarette packs.
- The introduction of bowel cancer screening.
- A commitment from Government to the extension of the age of breast cancer screening and cross-party support for sunbed regulation.
For more information
01 231 0500