How the Irish Cancer Society is funded

Daffodil Day teddy bear and collection box

The Irish Cancer Society typically receives only 5% funding from the State. This means that we must raise over €20 million each year to run the services and programmes providing free cancer information, care and support.

In 2020, the Society’s total income was €21.9 million The Society’s total expenditure was €20.4 million in 2020.

The vast majority of 2020 income came from the generous support of the public, through fundraising campaigns, donations, legacies and charity shop sales.

Grants from the State typically represent only 5% of our total income.

Fundraising campaigns and events

The total fundraising campaign income for 2020 was €10.6 million. This was raised during national fundraising campaigns like Daffodil Day, Relay for Life and Dare to Care and through events organised by volunteers in their local communities like head shaves, car washes, etc.

Corporate fundraising and donations

The Irish Cancer Society depends on the support of corporations and workplaces across the country to help fund our work. Our corporate partnership programme offers companies across Ireland a great way to get involved and share in our mission.

Each year the Society benefits from corporate partners like Boots Ireland, Centra, Aldi Ireland and many more, raising over €2.1 million to support the work of the Society.

Learn more about our corporate partnerships.

Donations and legacies (gifts left in wills and estates)

Funds given to the Society as donations through our website, over the phone, in person and through wills and estates raised €3.2 million in 2020.

Charity shops

The Society has 21 charity shops across the country, selling household items including clothes, shoes, books, bric-a-brac, giftware, collectables and more. Our shops also accept donations of household items.

In 2020, sales through our 21 charity shops raised over €1.9 million to support the work of the Society.

Charitable activities and grants

Income from charitable activities of €1.9m in 2020 was €0.5m higher than in 2019. This income includes grants to support the Travel2Care and Night Nursing programmes, and reimbursements for Night Nursing services provided. The increase compared to 2019 relates to an additional grant of €0.4m having been received in relation to the Night Nursing service.

Other income of €0.7m in 2020 was €0.6m higher than in 2019. This was due to the Society having availed of two COVID-19 related government schemes; the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme, and the Restart Grant Scheme. Income from government agencies represented 7% of the Society’s total income in 2020 (2019: 3%).”

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