Community partnerships
We work with communities across Ireland to raise awareness about cancer and provide free information, care and services for people affected by cancer.
We work with communities across Ireland to raise awareness about cancer and provide free information, care and services for people affected by cancer.
Cancer Action Communities
Since 2013 we have changed the way we deliver cancer prevention programmes, concentrating on areas of the country where we know cancer rates are highest.
Through these “Cancer Action Communities” the message of taking action to prevent cancer is getting through to those who need it most.
Our Cancer Action Community smoking cessation programme expanded to 8 communities in Cork and Dublin. We Can Quit supported 247 women to begin their smoking cessation journey. One hundred and three women had successfully quit at the end of 12 weeks.
Partnering with community organisations
By partnering with existing groups in local communities, the Society is able to reach a wider audience with its messages.
As part of our annual X-HALE programme, we work with over 45 youth organisations across 18 counties supporting young people to develop, create and promote films that encourage people to not start smoking.
Through the Society’s Support Services Affiliation Programme we provide training to support groups and cancer support services in communities across Ireland. The programme is open to any non-profit group who provides psycho-social support to people affected by cancer.
Learn about our community-based programmes aimed at increasing awareness of how your cancer risk can be reduced.
The Cork Cancer Action Network (CCAN) was established in 2015 to investigate new ways to work in partnership around cancer prevention and health inequalities. The organisations involved have a strong history of collaborative working in health, community development and social inclusion in Cork.

Learn more about X-HALE- a smoking prevention initiative for young people.
Partnerships with other health organisations
We believe collaborating and working in partnership is the best way to achieve our vision. We build alliances and work with local communities and global partners to deliver the best results.
We have collaborated with NCRI to research lifestyle risk factors and cancer incidence in Ireland. We published a report in partnership with the National Cancer Registry of Ireland, in relation to the numbers of cancer patients diagnosed in emergency departments. Cancer patients from the most disadvantaged communities are 50% more likely to be diagnosed via emergency presentation than those from more affluent communities.
The Society proposed a number of measures to tackle emergency presentation of cancer, especially targeting those from disadvantaged communities.
We successfully lobbied, in partnership with Irish Heart Foundation, for an increase in tobacco tax.

HPV Vaccination Alliance
The HPV Vaccination Alliance is a group of organisations that have come together to present the facts about the HPV vaccine.
The ability to spare our country’s children the devastation of a cancer diagnosis is a reality. But we need to act urgently to save lives.
Together, we have signed a Contract Against Cancer, pledging our commitment to raise awareness of the HPV vaccine and its benefits in stopping cancer and saving lives.
For more information
01 231 0500