Young people promote World No Tobacco Day 2020

/young women smoking

Young people stand in solidarity with NGOs to promote the World Health Organisation's World No Tobacco Day Campaign

The Irish Cancer Society's X-HALE youth advocates have collaborated with young tobacco control activists from Unga Drogforeyggare Sweden and Team Oasis Children's Charity England, to create four short films highlighting the stark truth that the tobacco industry still knowingly markets their harmful products to young people.  

They are asking young people and their supporters to stand up to the tobacco industry by sharing this message with friends and people who care about the health and wellbeing of young people all over the world. 

The young people came together as part of the Erasmus European Smoke Free Exchange, November 2019- February 2020.

"There is not a single good thing tobacco does to the world, but it creates a pile of problems. That’s why we need to step up about this issue and we need to do something to stop tobacco use in the world," says X-HALE Youth Advocate, Julia.

"The most important thing is that we are teenagers who are passionate about sharing our stories and we are working on a smoke free generation." - Ciaran, X-HALE Youth Advocate

"I have learned about the loads of effects of smoking and vaping and how bad they really are. I have learned about how they affect every single sustainable development goal." - Brendan, X-HALE Youth Advocate

Join us on Sunday 31 May 2020 at 12.00pm for the exciting launch of the X-HALE Youth Advocates Campaign.

Follow the campaign journey at  
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