
The Irish Cancer Society aims to launch a funding call each year to fund PhD Research Scholarships in the areas of (1) Translational Biomedical Research and (2) Social Science, Nursing and Allied Health.
Applications open in Q1 each year. Please see our Open Calls for more information.

Translational Biomedical Research Scholarship
The objective of the Irish Cancer Society Translational Research Scholarship Programme is to offer excellent science, medical, nursing and other allied healthcare graduates the opportunity to undertake postgraduate training in translational biomedical cancer research.
The total value of the Irish Cancer Society Research Scholarship covers the scholar’s stipend, fees, running costs, dissemination, as well as a mobility or capacity building element.
A mandatory provision is included within this budget to support Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in the proposed research project.

Social Science, Nursing, and Allied Health Research Scholarship
The objective of the Irish Cancer Society SNAH Research Scholarship is to offer excellent graduates from nursing, allied health, and social sciences the opportunity to undertake postgraduate training in cancer research.
These applications must be aligned with the Irish Cancer Society Strategy (2020-2025) and are sought from individuals wishing to pursue a PhD in cancer research in an area of social, nursing, and allied health sciences, including, but not limited to: psychology, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, public health, social work, speech and language therapy, and dietetics.
This scholarship is to be undertaken up to 4 years full-time or up to 8 years part-time. A part-time scholarship is only allowable for nursing and allied health applicants who will hold a concurrent clinical post in their professional field during the course of the scholarship.
The total value of the Irish Cancer Society Research Scholarship covers the scholar’s stipend, fees, running costs, dissemination, as well as a mobility or capacity building element.
To stay up to date on research funding opportunities from the Irish Cancer Society and other funding bodies, sign up to receive our monthly Research email newsletter.

Where we get our funding
Fundraising events, donations, charity shops, corporate giving – these are some of the ways we get our funding.
For more information
(01) 231 0500