
Cancer researcher in the lab

The Irish Cancer Society aims to launch a funding call each year to fund post-doctoral Research Fellowships. These can be in the areas of (1) Translational Biomedical Research or (2) Social Science, Nursing and Allied Health, depending on that year’s annual research strategy.

In 2022, there will be funding available to fund a research fellowship in the area of translational biomedical research. Funding for a fellowship in Social Science, Nursing, and Allied Health is expected in future years.

Applications open in Q1 each year. Please see our Open Calls for more information.

Translational research fellowships

The objective of the Irish Cancer Society Translational Research Fellowship Scheme is to support excellent early-stage (0 - 5 years’ experience post-PhD) cancer researchers to develop as independent researchers in their chosen area of translational cancer research. It is expected that the successful fellow will plan on pursuing a long-term career in academic research.

This Fellowship (3 years full-time) is specifically intended to fund research in the area of translational biomedical cancer research, and is aligned with the Irish Cancer Society Strategy (2020-2025). Applications in the areas of basic science, are not eligible.

Social, nursing, and allied health sciences fellowships

The objective of the Irish Cancer Society Social, Nursing, and Allied Health (SNAH) Research Fellowship is to support excellent early- to mid-stage (0-6 years’ experience post-PhD or equivalent) cancer researchers and clinical professionals (nurses and allied health professionals) to develop as independent researchers.

This Fellowship (2 years full time or 3-4 years part time) should be aligned with the Irish Cancer Society Strategy (2020-2025). Applications in the areas of basic or translational biomedical research are not eligible.

To stay up to date on research funding opportunities from the Irish Cancer Society and other funding bodies, sign up to receive our monthly Research email newsletter.

Where we get our funding
Fundraising events, donations, charity shops, corporate giving – these are some of the ways we get our funding.

For more information

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(01) 231 0500

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