Clinician Research Leadership Award 2020

Research clinician


A key priority for the Irish Cancer Society is ensuring that Irish patients benefit from world class cancer research and expertise. Central to this focus is fostering and cultivating research talent to ensure that Ireland is in a position to attract and retain world-class cancer research leaders who will drive evidence-based improvements in patient care.

In line with this commitment, the Irish Cancer Society wishes to invite eligible consultants with specialisms focussed on cancer to submit an application for the Clinician Research Leadership Award 2020.

The absence of protected time for healthcare professionals involvement in research is recognised as a significant impediment to the sustained evolution of high quality Irish cancer research.

As called out in the 2017 National Cancer Strategy, the Irish Cancer Society recognises that cancer clinicians who have honed their expertise in leading international research centres and are looking to become the next generation of research leaders in Ireland particularly require support and protected time to be in a position to undertake and drive world-class cancer research in Ireland at a pivotal time in the evolution of their research career.

Therefore, the purpose of the Clinician Research Leadership Award 2020 is to buy out the time of an outstanding individual who has completed their specialist training and returned to work in a consultant post in Ireland in the last 5 years.

Please see the Guidelines for Applicants for more information


The maximum total funding available is €75,000 per year. The maximum funding period is 24 months (i.e. maximum of €150,000 over 2 years).

Please note that this award will fund protected time for the recipient and is not for funding a specific research project or consumables.

Please see the Guidelines for Applicants for more information

How to apply

Applications must be completed and submitted through the Irish Cancer Society Gateway Grant Tracker online system. In order to submit an online application you are required to register at the following address:

Deadline for applications: 3.00pm, Wednesday 2 September 2020

Please see the Guidelines for Applicants for more information

Guidelines and documents
Documents to download
Clinician Research Leadership Award Guidelines
Comprehensive information about the award, eligibility criteria, funding, application process, etc.