Tests after a vulval cancer diagnosis

You may have more tests after your diagnosis to find out:
- How large is the cancer?
- Where exactly is the cancer?
- Has the cancer spread to any other parts of your body?
This is called staging. Staging tests for vulval cancer include:
- CT scan: A special type of X-ray to give a picture of the tissues inside your body
- MRI scan: This is a scan that uses magnetic energy to build up a picture of the tissues inside your body. During the scan you will lie inside a tunnel-like machine.
- PET scan: Using a radioactive injection that will show up any cancer spread to other parts of your body on a scan picture.
Other possible tests:
- Colposcopy and pelvic examination: A colposcopy is a test where a camera is used to look at your cervical area.
- Cystoscopy: A small tube with a light passed into your bladder to look at the bladder lining, usually under general anaesthetic. This is because sometimes vulval cancer can spread into the bladder.
Staging is important as it helps your medical team decide on the best treatment for your cancer.
For more information
1800 200 700