Caring resources and information for parents

Having a child diagnosed with cancer will affect you and the people close to you. Understandably, you will feel worried and stressed as you come to terms with the diagnosis and what it means for your child and your family.
There are many people who can help you deal with any difficult feelings and emotions, and also with practical issues. The staff at the hospital, including medical social workers and specialist nurses and doctors, are there to help you at this time.
You can also call our Support Line on 1800 200 700 and ask to talk to our children's cancer nurse.
Our nurses can also tell you about free counselling, complementary therapies, parent peer-to-peer support and financial supports.
Read more about children's cancers and supports available.
It may be helpful to order a copy of our booklet Children and Young People with Cancer: A guide for parents which has lots of information and advice on coping with a child’s cancer, the impact of a diagnosis, looking after yourself and practical support.
Call our Support Line on Freephone 1800 200 700 to order a copy or you can download it below:

For more information
1800 200 700