How to care for your pair
You can 'care for your pair' by being breast aware, and checking your breasts every month.
Get 2 friends to do the same, and help to spread the word.
We have advice on how to check yourself, and what to check for.

What am I checking for?
- A lump of any size, or thickening in your breast
- A change in the size or shape of one breast
- A change in the skin, like puckering, or dimpling (like orange peel), or redness
- A breast abscess (infected boil) – this may appear as a red, tender area on your breast
- A change in the nipple shape, like a pulled-in, sunken, or flattened nipple
- An unusual discharge (liquid) from one or both of your nipples –
the discharge may be blood-stained or watery - A change on or around the nipple, such as a rash, or flaky or crusted skin
- Swelling in your armpit or around your collarbone
Breast pain alone is not usually a sign of breast cancer.
These symptoms can be caused by other things, but always get them checked by your GP (family doctor).
For more information
1800 200 700