What are the types of vaginal cancer?

A middle aged woman with short blonde hair looks into the camera with a slight smile on her face

There are several types of primary vaginal cancer. Each type is named after the kind of cells where the cancer starts:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type - 8 out of 10 vaginal cancer cases are squamous cell. It mostly occurs in the part of the vagina nearest to the cervix and is more common in woman over the age of 60.
  • Adenocarcinoma of the vagina is less common. Around 1 in 10 cases of vaginal cancer is adenocarcinoma. There are four main types of adenocarcinoma that affect the vagina:
    • Clear cell adenocarcinoma
    • Papillary adenocarcinoma
    • Mucinous adenocarcinoma
    • Adenosquamous carcinoma

Rarer types of vaginal cancer

  • Sarcoma of the vagina
  • Melanoma of the vagina
  • Small cell vaginal cancer

If you have any questions about your type of cancer, call our Support Line on 1800 200 700.

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