Our employees and their salaries

The Irish Cancer Society employed an average of 191 people in 2021.
In 2021 our Night Nurses provided over 7,323 nights of care to over 2,232 cancer patients around the country. Night Nurses provide up to 10 nights of free care for cancer patients who are at the end of their cancer journey, in their own home, during the last days of their life.
In 2021, 207 nurses were employed for at least one night by the Society with an average of 89 nurses working each week. This equates to 46 nurses on a full-time equivalent basis.
Of our 191 employees, 6 earned between €70,000 and €80,000 a year, 1 earned between €80,000 and €90,000 a year, while 4 earned between €90,000 and €100, 000.
Our CEO's salary
In 2021 the CEO was paid a salary of €131, 349 (2020: €110,367 due to maternity leave and voluntary pay cut) and a car allowance of €10,000 (2020: €7,910). The Society contributed 20% (2020: 15%) of the CEO’s salary to the defined contribution pension scheme.
For more information
01 231 0500