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posted by Rexyrooster
14 August 2013

Do I have lymphoma?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi everyone I am looking for some advice. I had two lumps on my neck, one on either side of my neck for the last six months. I then found another two lumps on my neck. The first two have steadily gotten bigger. I am suffering from night sweats and constantly waking up during the night. I am extremely fatigued and am experiencing dizziness but the dizziness is unusual in the fact that it happens if I move my head a certain way. I also am extremely tender and sore under my ribcage. I went to my gp and after blood tests came back normal my gp referred me for an emergency consultation with a surgeon. I am wondering could any one advise me on what to expect next as I am extremely nervous as I have genuinely not felt we'll for the last few months. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated I am a 29 year old woman and don't really ever get sick so even the thoughts of this have me freaked out.
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posted by eifel65
07 October 2013

Should I get a biopsy?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hey guys, I am just looking for a bit of advice. I am 34 years old, and have never been pregnant. There is no breast cancer in my family as far as I know. At the end of July i noticed that my left breast felt odd, no pain I just felt like there was something going on with it, so after work I checked it out. I noticed a small lump directly behind my nipple. I felt around it and in doing so some clear/white discharge came out. I left it alone as I was going on hols that day and decided I'd just keep an eye on it. Over the following 2 weeks the discharge came out on its own and eventually stopped. 2 months later I woke up with a pain in the same breast and when I checked it more discharge was coming out, this time it was more yellow in color and quite runny. I squeezed the lump and more more discharge came out mixed with some blood. I went to my docs the next day who checked it out and gave me antibiotics as he though it might be an infection. A week later and the lump is still there so the doctor referred me to the breast clinic for a mammogram and ultrasound. i went private and two days later I have my ultrasound which showed nothing. The consultant could feel the lump, and said it could be a cyst, or it could be duct ectasia, or intraductral papilloma and that he was given me the all clear for now. i am to go back in January if the lump is still there and he may do a biopsy. Its been over a month since my ultrasound and the lump is still there, absolutely no change in size. recently I have started to get very slight shooting pains in this breast too. Should I push for a biopsy sooner? I think its fine but my family is worried.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
10 April 2008

Blood in the toilet after a bowel movement?

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:14
It is important to remember that blood in a bowel movement does not always mean that you have cancer. There can be other causes, e.g. haemorrhoids or piles. Bowel cancer usually occurs in people over the age of 50 so if younger people experience this symptom it is usually due to other bowel problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or ulcerative colitis. It is important however to get this symptom checked by your doctor. Other symptoms of bowel cancer can include weight loss, a change in your bowel habit that lasts a long time (6 weeks), feeling of sickness, a bloated feeling or pain in your stomach. National Cancer Helpline Freefone 1800 200 700 (mon-thurs 9am-7pm, fri 9am-5pm)
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posted by user1234
16 April 2013

Lymphoma Questions?? Skin and abdomen.

Last reply: 29 April 2013 22:59
I have been to my Doctor a couple of times over the past few months with a lot of symptoms and nothing has been resolved. I got really run down from a job (early start, late finish, no lunch break sometimes for 10 hours) and had to quit because I was so fatigued I couldn't even function or get out of bed. Being so run down, the skin on my face started to break out in hives/pimples that burst by themselves and were extremely itchy. I also had a really bad hacking cough that the doctor said was "Nasal drip". She prescribed drops, sprays and decongestant meds. I've suffered from Anemia in the past so she sent me for Routine bloods and tested for everything imaginable. The cough persisted for 5 weeks so I returned to my GP for my blood results and to get my cough examined again. By then I had searched google about a persistent cough, big mistake. In that time I also found a small lump in my left upper stomach below my rib cage, it is slightly mobile and is rubbery but not jelly, about 2.5cm in size. Nothing was done about my cough, I was then told it was maybe a viral infection because it lasted so long, for my pimples I was given contraceptive pills, and my hemoglobin was lower than average so I was given Iron tablets. The doctor said she could not feel any lump, and she looked at me as though I was a hypochondriac. I never felt so embarrassed. Five months on I do not feel any better, I feel worse although my cough went away. I have had a peptic ulcer twice in the past (H.Pylori virus) and I feel the same symptoms at the minute. I'm white as a ghost, black circles under my eyes worse than ever. My pimples are now sores on my face that will not go away no matter what I try. I'm so tired I sleep from around midnight or earlier most nights, to between 10 and 12 the following morning (currently unemployed and NOT lazy). I have been sweating in my sleep a lot but not enough to drench my clothes or bed clothes, and having broken sleeps, and waking up with no energy. My stomach is swollen and feels so full behind my ribs, as thought there isn't enough space for my intestines. I have frequent pain throughout my body, but scariest of all is pain in my left flank area and pain in my chest, like really bad indigestion. This comes and goes. This week I've been waking up with a sore throat, and stuffy head (which could be simple head cold) and discomfort in my shoulders, convinced my body is trying to tell me something. I have made a doctors appointment for this week, but I have so much wrong with me that I fear I wont be taken seriously. Has anyone with Lymphoma of any kind had any of these symptoms? Please accept my apologies if my questions offend or aggravate anyone diagnosed with Lymphoma. You are in my prayers.
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posted by ciara2013
13 May 2013

please help

Last reply: 13 May 2013 16:31
Hi Guys, I don't know who I can contact so I'm writing here. My partner started to get panic attacks and from his words he feels like his head will explode. Also he feels very thirsty all the time, drinks a lot of water, pees so much that his bladder started hurting but he is still thirsty. When he was younger,he used to smoke a lot of canabis. He read online the symptoms and he came to the idea of brain tummor. He is devastated. He lost his job, and I only get paid 100 euro per week, and we can't afford to see a gp or a doctor, he doesn't have a medical card. Are there any centres in Dublin that do free scans or diagnostics? We are desperate at this point. Thank you, hope to hear from you soon. Ciara
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posted by spookwoman
10 June 2013

FNA Biopsy on Parotid Tumor

Last reply: 11 June 2013 16:43
Sept last year I got a FNA biopsy and Nov I was told I had a benign growth on the Parotid salivary gland that needed to be removed asap because FNA is not 100% and the growths can turn into cancer. I am still waiting to get it removed with 2 cancellations for the operation already one in May and now the op has been put out another week to the 28th. Is it normal for a biopsy to take 2 months for a callback and is it normal to have to wait 7 months to get the tumor removed. I have been in touch with ENT to tell them that I am now having problems with turning my head and vision greying out, the corner of my mouth has a slight droop and yesterday thankfully only temp my eyebrow also dropped. I am concerned as in the last few months symptoms are getting worse and many others with the same problems have had biopsy results that that said benign were actually cancerous after the tumors were removed and examined. Any info, pointers etc would be appreciated. Sorry mind is going op is 21st.
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posted by Sunny
17 June 2013

Breast cancer rash

Last reply: 25 June 2013 22:39
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help. I finished chemo for Breast cancer (fmc) 3 weeks ago. I now have a rash of red spots on the sole of my foot and wonder could it be chemo related and should I ask the chemo nurses or should I go to the gp. And does it sound familiar to any one Thanks Sunny
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posted by KiKi86
08 July 2013

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Last reply: 20 July 2013 13:47
Hi all. This is my first post on here, I am hoping to find some answers from people who are going through similar issue as I am finding it difficult to get information from the health professionals. I have had two abnormal smear tests and so was referred on for a colposcopy and biopsy's. I was then informed, after waiting 12 weeks for the results, that I had to have a repeat colposcopy 8 weeks later to "confirm results". I have been trying to put it to the back of my mind since then. My appointment is for the 18th of July but then there will be more waiting on more results. Has this happened to anyone else? I thought the colposcopy should have indicated what the next step should be. Also I have been experiencing urethritis from intercourse. It has happened four or five times in the last three months. The symptoms are increase frequency to urinate, urinary retention due to swelling of the urethra, pain when urinating. The GP has given me Valium at times to reduce the swelling and allow me to void my bladder with some ease. She has also put me on antibiotics for 28 days. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar? Could this be related to the cervical issues or just a horrible co-incidence? The GP seems willing to dismiss it but it has been happening far too often now. I have been with the same partner for 7 years so I find it difficult to accept that all of a sudden for no reason this is happening every time we have intercourse. We have given the healing times longer and longer in between bouts of this urethritis but it hasn't made any difference. I will of course bring this up in the clinic at my appointment but in the meantime I would really appreciate hearing other women's experiences?
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posted by racheal
28 March 2014

Breast Cancer...

Last reply: 31 March 2014 20:39
Hi Worried, have a rash , pain in my r/breast for over 6 months. Went to GP who refered me as urgent to breast clinic in limerick for review. My dad died of cancer, my mam survived it and now very worried, Also getting really bad pains in my leg. Gp said could be linked as no other explanation. Getting really worried as only 34 and 2 youngs kids. Good to talk to others.
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posted by 2littlegirls
10 February 2012

If doctor will not refer me on.....

Last reply: 26 July 2012 08:31
Hi Have found a lump in my breast, well not a lump exactly more like an area that feels slightly harder and bumpier than the rest that has not always been like this. I have an app with the doctor on Monday. What I am wondering is, can I force the doctor to refer me to a Breast Clinic for an ultrasound/mammogram? I just have a fear that the doctor will tell me its nothing to worry about and send me on my way. But how can he 100% know without further checking. Just terrified that in a year or 2 it will come to light that it is something more serious. Also if he will not refer me on, do I need a referral to go for a private ultrasound/mammogram? Thanks in advance.....
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