Linda, one of our Daffodil Centre nurses
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“I will not stop providing support to people affected by cancer”

- Linda

Linda Wilson first joined the Irish Cancer Society three years ago as Cancer Nurse. “I work as a Daffodil Centre nurse in St. James’s Hospital. My work involves taking the time to guide patients and families through their cancer experience.

I provide cancer information, advice, emotional and practical support. As well as offering support, I also signpost patients and their families to services that are available within the hospital, and Irish Cancer Society services. Through the Daffodil Centre, we facilitate educational programmes such as group chemotherapy education for patients starting treatment and a survivorship programme post-treatment called LACES – Life and Cancer Enhancing Survivorship.”

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"I will not stop providing support to people affected by cancer”

- Linda

Linda says the Irish Cancer Society’s values, dedication and compassion for anyone affected by cancer is what made her want to join the organisation. “This was something I wanted to be apart of and for me, one of my favourite parts of the job is just how rewarding it is. You are in a privileged position where you get to help, support, advocate for and empower people affected by cancer through their cancer experience. The most difficult part is helping people navigate all the uncertainty that a cancer diagnosis can bring.”

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“I know that I and my colleagues make a difference.”

- Linda

“I know that I and my colleagues make a difference by being able to provide comfort and support through the uncertainty cancer brings – both for patients and their family and friends. I won’t stop providing support and advocating for the needs of people affected by cancer.”

Contact our freephone Support Line

If you have worries or concerns about cancer, you can speak confidentially to an Irish Cancer Society Cancer Nurse through the Freephone Support Line on 1800 200 700.

Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm

For more information

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