After treatment for sarcoma

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What follow-up do I need?

No matter what type of cancer treatment you get, you will still need regular check-ups once it is over. This is called follow-up. 

The follow-up may involve having a physical exam, blood tests and scans. 

If you are between check-ups and have a symptom or problem that is worrying you, contact your doctor or specialist nurse for advice and to make an appointment, if necessary.

If you become suddenly unwell and can’t contact your specialist nurse or hospital team, go to your GP or the emergency department at the hospital.

Living a healthy lifestyle

Many people want to live healthily after getting a cancer diagnosis. Get some advice on healthy living here.

Support for your feelings

Some people only really feel the emotional impact of their cancer diagnosis after treatment. If your appearance or abilities have changed you may be finding it hard to adjust. You may also have difficult emotions as you try to adjust to your new normal of life after treatment. Read more about your feelings after cancer treatment and where to get support.  

What if the cancer comes back? 

If the cancer comes back (recurrent cancer) it can often be treated again. Your cancer doctor will advise you on what your treatment options are.

Why does cancer come back after treatment?

Unfortunately, sometimes cancer does come back. This doesn’t mean that you did something wrong or that your first treatment was unsuccessful. Sometimes cancer cells remain in your body and start to grow again, although your doctors do all they can to prevent this. 

Coping with a diagnosis of recurrent cancer

It can be hard to cope if you are facing cancer a second time. We have information on where to get emotional support, or you can talk to one of our cancer nurses in confidence by calling our Cancer Support Line or by visiting a Daffodil Centre

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