Living Well 2021

Living Well with and Beyond Cancer 2021

Our annual national conference took place online on Wednesday, 2 June and Thursday, 3 June.

A range of speakers shared their experiences, stories and expert knowledge on living well after a cancer diagnosis through a mix of virtual presentations, interactive workshops and Q&A sessions. 

The last year has been difficult for people affected by cancer and the uncertainty and isolation continues for many. We would encourage cancer patients, survivors and those that care for them to watch the recordings from this unique online event.

The conference recordings look at topics like self-care, healthy eating, exercise as well as advances in cancer treatment. 

Recordings from our 2021 conference
You can view the videos below
Videos from conference main stage

Videos from conference sessions
Presentation slides: Advances in Metastatic (Secondary) Cancer Treatments

Presentation slides: Eating well before, during and after cancer

View recordings from last year's virtual conference

Watch videos from Living Well With and Beyond Cancer 2020.

Video conference

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